Bar Waiter (ReiEre)

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Eren never joined the survey corps, he actually worked as a waiter with his mom at a bar. The Survey Corps entered. Clara said, “I will be right there, Eren, can you be their waiter”. “Yes Mom”, Eren said. Eren said, “This way please”. Eren wasn’t like a buff guy or tall, he was actually 5 '0, and a very slim body like a female, he had long hair, two different eye colors, one is a beautiful mix of blues and greens and another color is a honey yellow. Eren’s outfit was a waiter’s dress like his mom’s but it was green and black. Eren showed them to their table. Hange said, “He’s so adorable”. “I will be your waiter tonight, what would you all like?”. Suddenly, hands slid around Eren’s waist. Eren was startled and looked behind him and saw it was Reiner. Eren smiled, “Babe!! I’m trying to work”. “Aww~ But you look so cute”, Reiner said. Everyone was shocked. Reiner sat down by Bertholdt and Annie. Eren rolled his eyes and said, “Now…Let me know what you want when you are ready”. Eren walked away. Jean said, “Reiner? You know him?”. Reiner said, “Of course, Eren and his family helped me when I was very ill and Eren and I got pretty close as good friends and then as we got older, we soon started dating”.  Levi said, “Okay well I want tea”. “This is a bar, Levi”, Erwin said. Eren said, “Anyone ready?”. Everyone ordered what they wanted. Eren nodded and soon got them ready. As Eren walked to them. A guy tripped him and laughed after he called Eren a slur. Eren smirked and grabbed the tray and quickly grabbed all drinks without any of the spilling. Everyone in the Survey Corps but Reiner was shocked. Eren said, “Here you all go”. “With moves like that, you should join, babe”, Reiner said. Eren rolled his eyes and went behind him and hugged him then said, “No…now I have no disrespect for the Survey Corps, but I am a waiter, and my parents need me”. Reiner chuckled as Eren was about to leave, but Reiner grabbed his hand. Eren said, “Reiner, I gotta work”. “But I want you~”, Reiner said. Clara laughed softly and said, “Take a bit of a break with your boyfriend, Eren”. “Yes Mom”, Eren said. Eren looked at Reiner and said, “You are lucky that I love you”. Reiner gave a cheeky smirk. Eren giggled and said, “So this is the Survey Corps, you mentioned”. Reiner said, “Yep, this is Annie and Bertholdt, the two I mentioned before”. Eren said, “Nice to meet you both, especially you Annie, Reiner tells me, you are a good fighter”. Annie said, “Thank you”. Connie said, “I’m Connie, This is Sasha and Jean”. Eren smiled and bowed his head as a greeting. Mikasa said, “Eren”. “Hello sister, and Armin…How has the Survey Corps been treating you”, Eren said. Armin said, “Great actually”. “I’m Ymir, this is Christa”, Ymir said. Eren said, “Lovely names”. Hange said, “I’m Hange, this is Erwin and Levi”. Eren was silent and said, “Wait…as in Levi Ackerman, Survey Corps captain, Humanity’s Strongest Soldier…Holy fuck”. Reiner laughed and said, “Eren is actually a big Levi fan”. Levi said, “A fan huh”. Eren was blushing from embarrassment and said, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Ackerman”. “Please, just Levi…”, Levi said. Eren nodded. Reiner said, “Eren…don’t think about it”. “Oh fuck you, it ain’t cheating if it’s a kiss on the cheek”, Eren said. Reiner said, “Your mine…Mine only”. “Piss off, like I didn’t see you kiss Christa’s hand once”, Eren said. Reiner said, “Fine whatever”. Eren clapped. Levi chuckled and got up and said, “5 minute hug and a kiss on a cheek”. Everyone was shocked. Eren was hiding his squeal. Levi hugged Eren softly. Eren hugged back and laughed softly. Reiner said, “Damn, Levi actually let’s someone touch him…that’s my boyfriend”. After the hug, Eren gave a kiss on Levi’s cheek and said, “Shit…ngl, you did smell good”. Levi said, “Here is a little something”. Levi gave Eren a Wings of Freedom cloak. Eren smiled and said, “Thank you Levi”. Levi sat back down. Reiner said, “You trying to steal my boyfriend, captain?”. “Hey, he happens to be a fanboy”, Levi said. Eren said, “Reiner…I swear to god if you don’t shut up…I will give you no kisses or cuddles”. Reiner immediately shut up. Clara said, “Eren!! Waiting Time!!”. “Yes Mom”, Eren said. Eren gave Reiner a quick kiss and walked away. Hange said, “Where?”. “It was mine”, Levi said. Reiner said, “Fuck you”.

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