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"HANNIE?!" I yelled.

I ran to the doorstep and noticed he was injured... again.

"Why do you keep getting yourself injured?!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

He kept his head low and chuckled at my remark,
"Are you going to help me or just stand there and keep staring?" He asked, clearly drained as can be heard from his voice.

I rolled my eyes while I proceeded to help him enter, leading him to the couch... once again.

"Why do I only see you when you need some sort of treatment?" I questioned, still agitated that he didn't come and visit like he said he would.

I didn't know why I cared so much...

"Such is life I guess, and you are good at what you do, I wouldn't prefer anyone over you, you should become a doctor or something." Seojun answered in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

While I glared at him offended, he just chuckled in response.

He wasn't hurt half as bad this time, it was a minor injury, so it didn't take much time before I had finished treating it.

I noticed that his previous injury had completely healed, that's how long it's been since I had last seen him.

Since I was done, I cleaned and put everything away, and headed to my room.

I had mixed feelings about the whole situation.

As I walked away he called out to me,
"Where to?" He asked me in a low-pitched voice, clearly confused by my actions.

I glanced back at him, amused by how dense a person can be, then continued to walk away, completely ignoring his question.

Even though it wasn't for long, it was nice having him over, I enjoyed teasing him... and him doing the same to me. It's just lonely living all by yourself I guess.

And what annoyed me the most was that I really did believe him when he said he would come back, and I wished that he would too. He filled up the void even though it was only for a few hours.

But right now, I just feel like I've been lied to, like he was just using me to fix himself up, which considering how things were going, it was probably true.

My thoughts were interrupted as I felt a hand grab my wrist and yank me back. It didn't hurt but it definitely startled me.

"Hey, tell me what's wrong." Seojun demanded as he looked into my eyes.

He looked angry rather than concerned.

"Stop ignoring me." He insisted in a deep voice.
"..." I glared at him in disbelief, unsure of what I should even say.

I supposed he had caught on as his expression changed while I continued my silence.

He held my hand softly and looked at me apologetically,
"Ivory... I'm sorry for disappearing for weeks, it's hard to explain... but don't be like this." He explained, catching me off guard.
"It's fine." I replied, dismissing it.

It wasn't like an apology was going to change anything, so I just let it go.

You're just as busy as everyone else... It's understandable.

I'm not exactly mad at Seojun either, we're basically strangers, who am I to be mad at him anyway?

"It's not fine. You're clearly upset." He pointed out.

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