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"I'm coming too!" I exclaimed.

Did I really just pull another y/n move?

The both of them jolted their head in my direction, all eyes were on me now,
"HELL TO THE NO!" Raylin yelled back, completely rejecting my proposal.
"There's no way we're gonna take you with us, especially to a dangerous situation, don't even try." Chris added, unfazed.

How was I even meant to convince them? They would never let...

I had to change their mind.

Maybe I should just tell them the truth?

"But I need to come as well." I tried to explain myself.
"And why is that?" Chris asked me with a questioning expression, not understanding my desperation.
"Um..." Was all I could say hesitantly, not knowing how to explain the situation.

Now they were both looking at me with confusion all over their faces waiting for some sort of answer.

"Well?" Chris asked me once again.
"I know that guy, I wanna help or at least come with you..." I finally revealed.
"I already know that, that's why I'm saying no. The point isn't whether you know the guy or not or how close you are, I don't want to put you in a dangerous situation." Raylin stated in a frustrated tone, trying her best to get her point through.
"But Lin, it's not like you won't be able to protect me or anything, plus I trust you guys, you've taken me to much more serious things before, come on, please." I basically begged.

Raylin sighed while looking over to Chris,
"This is definitely not a good idea." Chirs said.
"I agree..." Raylin added.

Eventually, we came to a mutual agreement that I would wait in the car for them.

We first headed to the 'headquarters' so that they could get their stuff ready.

Everyone was very tense and mad.

There was this constant repetition of "They think they could take what is ours?" all around the massive building.

I sat down on the couch and put my head down.

Some things just didn't make sense to me.

Why would my dad just let me leave like that?

He did everything he could before to get me to come back to America and live with him, and now he just let me leave?

I was so worried that something would happen if I went, which it did, but he just lets me go like that?

I can't just be overthinking this.

There certainly is something up, he's definitely going to do something.


I was so exhausted, I threw myself straight onto my bed.

But, like always, I wasn't able to sleep straight away, my unnecessary thoughts had already flooded my mind.

I thought about every possible scenario that could happen if I went all night long.

What would happen if my father did find out I was in the country?

I moved across the world to run away from him, I can't even imagine what he would do if he found me somewhere within his reach.

He tried absolutely everything he could to make sure I'd come back to America, but my brother had that under control as he expected something like this to happen.

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