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The sight in front of me had me bewildered,
"MATEO?" I exclaimed.

Jolting my head to face Ares,
"Here's the man you're looking for love." Ares said in an unfazed tone, standing at the corner of the dimly lit room while lighting a cigarette.

What happened to him?

I looked at him speechless, my hand covering my mouth, there was someone I couldn't recognize anymore across the room.

"Who... did this?" I asked, my eyes widened, and my voice barely audible.

It was a stupid question.

There was only one answer.

One very obvious answer.

Who else in this world would leave someone so battered and bruised that they become impossible to differentiate from a punching bag?

Just the sight in front of me was enough to shatter me.

Mateo was sitting at the corner of the room on the floor, scrunched up together, his knees hiding his face, almost like he was trying to protect himself from something or someone.

His body was shaking as he blocked out the world from his place.

But was that really it?

The Mateo I knew wouldn't be having this kind of reaction no matter how badly he was beaten.

There was more to this.

Much more.

I slowly yet hesitantly approached him, taking small steps toward the person who I had left only a short while ago.

I kneeled down next to the figure who was shaded by the shadows of darkness spread throughout the room.

Reaching out for his shoulder, I attempted to gain his attention, only to be stopped by the man behind me, Ares,
"Hey... it might be best if you avoid any physical contact." He said with a serious tone and concerned expression on his face.

Even Ares was taking whatever that had happened seriously.

There was none of the smirks, nicknames, or the teasing looks.

Just pity.

"Mateo... what happened?" I called out to him in desperation as I sat down in front of him.

However, I was only met with silence.

A sound that couldn't even be heard but yet is so drowning.

I could clearly see that Ares was trying his best not to interfere.

But what was it that happened that was so traumatising?

I stood up swiftly turning around to come across a pair of dark eyes looking at me with mixed feelings,
"Tell me what happened." I demanded, glancing over at the person only inches apart from me.
"It's not my place, I don't want to interfere." Ares answered, looking up at the ceiling, completely avoiding eye contact.

I glared at him, I could understand where he was coming from, but it was different this time.

"Ivory, it's really not something you should be hearing from me." Ares explained.
"I really couldn't care less Ares, just tell me." I bickered back, considering that Mateo was in no state to talk at the moment.

He sighed, giving up.

Grabbing my wrist, Ares dragged me away to another room.

He opened the door and shoved me inside, closing the door behind him,
"Ivory listen to me." Ares said sternly.
"...yeah?" I replied, a little thrown off.
"Your father didn't just beat him up and throw him to the side." He continued.
"I figured." I said awkwardly, concerned about what was yet to come.
"Ugh! How am I even meant to tell you something like this!" Ares raised his voice, frustrated while tilting his head up and running his hand through his hair.

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