reunion - s.chishiya

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"anyway, don't be a stranger" - scott street, phoebe bridgers._____

"promise me you'll remember me?" he asked for the 50th time what evening.

"i promise" you said weakly. you had been stabbed 3 times by nirgai in the event before. chishiya had been so worried, and done everything he could to bandage your wound and minimise your pain.

suddenly, you and chishiya saw fireworks in the distance, and he pulled you into a kiss. you could feel your tears streaming down your face as you kissed him back gently, holding eachother, you two being the perfect example of pure love, before everything went black.


light shone through the window of the hospital room and reflected onto your face. you woke up, disoriented, a sharp pain in your stomach and leg. you looked down to see a bandage tied around your waist and one tied around your leg, but you couldn't move to remove the blanket properly. you groaned slightly, the pain finally catching up to you. you heard a slight noise come from the door beside you and you watched a nurse come in while looking at her clipboard, glance up at you and gasp.

she quickly ran out of the room and a doctor came in, looking shocked aswell. he checked all the normal things such as heart rate, and considered your state stable. you heard him murmuring to the other nurses, something about preventing an infection, before turning back to you.

"your boyfriend's really in love with you, you know that? he's been asking about you every hour for days in case you woke up, and begged me to let him see you, even while sleeping" he chuckled, while you looked at him confused.


this was when you felt another figure enter the room.

in came a blonde long-haired boy with crutches, and once he entered the room he processed your awake state, before going as fast as his crutches would take him towards you, enveloping you in a tight hug. you could feel his tears fall on your shirt, and were slightly confused. you had no idea who this stranger was, or what he was doing at your hospital bed.

"i'm so happy you are awake" he sobs, before hugging you tighter.

"I thought- i didn't- i had no idea if you were going to wake up. you were unconcious when the fireworks were up and i didn't know if you would make i-" he rambled.

"i'm sorry, i don't think you have the right person" you explained calmly.

"what..." he pulled back, processing what you face looked like and making sure that it was actually you before slowly backing away from you.

"im really sorry but I don't think that you have the right person" you repeated.

he took a step back, looking as if he was slapped, before the floods of tears came back, much stronger than before.

"but...the promised" he sobbed, disregarding the stares of the doctor.

"fireworks? ive never seen any in my life, im really sorry" you say gently, careful not to hurt him any more.

"if this is a joke, it really isn't funny" he stares at you, praying for any sign of lying, silently begging for you to laugh so beautifully as you had so many times before and tell him that it was a joke and that you would never forget him, yet it never comes.

the doctor stares at you in complete sadness. he had heard all the comments chishiya would say about you once he woke up, such as "she would love this" when he saw a teddy bear holding a heart, and randomly saying facts about you to him roommate, such as "shes so pretty, i can't wait to see her again", and the arguments and anger he showed towards him for not letting him see her sooner because of him injuries.

after you show no sign of realisation, and just pity, he steps back again in shock, realising that you didn't remember. but you promised? you had never broken a promise in your life.

love was a weakness. that's what he told himself before he met you, and during while in denial of his feelings. but you changed him. you made him happier. you practically made him remember how to be happy. so why can't he do the same for you?

what about all the months you spent together? when you taught him how to love? when you cuddled him at night and made him feel warm inside? when you baked a cake together and burnt it? when you gave eachother loving kisses every day? when you spent your evenings together on the rooftop, discussing your future together? what about the cat you promised to have? what about the dates he promised to take you on? what about the gentle love that you two shared for eachother?

and that's when he realised that you'll never be able to do those things together.

and oh how it hurt.

he embraced you again, desperate.

"please baby, you have to remember me. chishiya, remember? you used to call me shun to annoy me, but I always secretly liked it" he sobs.

"please remember. you promised me" he sobs harder, unable to control the overwhelming feelings that he was expressing.

the small shake of your head was enough.

he stumbled out of your room, dazed. he returned to his own. pulled the curtain back so that niragi couldn't see him, and he sobbed.

oh how he sobbed.

he couldn't stop, no matter how many doctors came by. he knew he couldn't come back from this.

as nightfall came, he finally fell asleep. many hours later, he woke back up, only to he greeted with the moonlight shining through the window. he stood up with red, puffy eyes and stumbled over to the window, only to find that it was a full moon.

you always loved the full moon.


a week ago

"look! shun, it's the moon! isn't it beautiful today?" you stared in admiration at the moon that you loved so much from the perfect view of the rooftop.

"yeah, it's beautiful" he says back. but he wasn't looking at the moon. he was looking at you, his eyes filled with love and admiration as his mouth smiled at your happy expression.


how he wished he could go back to that moment.

he lied back down on the bed, covered himself with the duvet, and sobbed into the pillow, muffling his cries.

he held the teddy with a heart he bought you in his hand, cuddling it as he pretended it was you. you always knew how to comfort him in these situations.

he traced his pocket, the outline of a small box inside it, containing the small yet glamorous ring that he was planning to give to you once you woke up.

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