fourth of july - s.chishiya

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"we're all gonna die" fourth of july - sufjan stevens

surprise at the end! (i am so sorry.)

___________________"the evil it spread, like a fever ahead"

he stared at your figure in that hospital room, hanging on for dear life. he could feel a metallic taste in his mouth as he realized that he bit his lip a little too hard, causing it to bleed. he didn't care though. what he did care about, however, was your vulnerable state on the hospital bed. he had heard a doctor come in and explain to him that you had been stabbed deeply in multiple places with glass that was previously the window of your car, whilst you were driving to go and see him on a date. he heard the doctor blab on, something about a fever and brain damage. his fingers tightened in his fist, his eye bags scrunching as he wished with every ounce of his being that you would pull through and survive. you were a strong person. you would survive. right?



"it was night, when you died, my firefly."

he heard the noise of the heart monitor and his heart dropped. he was a doctor. he knew what it meant. maybe it was wrong? maybe they didn't attach it properly? he rushed to your side and screamed for a doctor. he couldn't do much in his state, a vast injury in his side causing him to groan every time he moved. he could feel the tears streaming down his face, his vision blurred as he sobbed. he wouldn't stop screaming, even when they physically had to carry him out of the room so that they could perform emergency surgery in order to bring you back.

a few hours later, your heart failed.

you were gone.


"what could i have said, to raise you from the dead?"

"please, please wake up" he said through panicked sobs as he shook your limp body. he was allowed to see you one last time, even if it meant you couldn't see him back. doctors sobbed in the doorway as they heard his desperate pleads, anything to bring you back. and he screamed. oh, how he screamed. how could he not, when the only joy in his life was gone? his eyes burned and his hands were weak as he desperately shook you, but he wouldn't give up. the doctors had to physically pry his hands away from you so that they could take you away. he protested, of course. hands thrashing and pushing doctors away as they tried to separate you both. he didn't care what he had to do in order to stay with you. in the end, security had to come and physically bring him back to his hotel room.

he never saw you again.


"oh could i, be the sky, on the fourth of july?"

back in the borderlands, a week ago

fireworks could be heard in the distance as you and chishiya sat, propped up against some car. chishiya was shot twice, while you had been stabbed multile times in your chest, thigh and upper arm.

"stay with me baby, please" he begged through tears, waiting for you to wake up from your unconscious state. you had passed out from the immense pain you had gone through, which chishiya did his best to minimise. he stared at the fireworks through tears, as blobs of colour was the only thing seen through his eyes. he knew if he woke you up, you two could watch them together again. you loved fireworks, and he loved you, so why couldn't you wake up to see them again?

she won't wake up


"well you do enough talk, my little hawk, why do you cry?"

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