the other woman - s.chishiya

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"the other woman, will always cry herself to sleep. the other woman, will never have his love to keep" the other woman - lana del rey


you first noticed the change in behaviour a few months after you started dating. before that, he was the perfect boyfriend - he gave you cuddles when you needed them, gave you the best attempt at comfort that he could give you, cooked with you, did everything with you. he made you so very happy, and changed your life in such a positive way.

this all changed when he started becoming more distant. you pinned it down to stress at work - chishiya was working so hard to earn that promotion, and you were so proud of him for it. yet, once he actually recieved the promotion, things didn't get better. in fact, they got worse.

the new working hours took a toll on your relationship. chishiya was working 7AM - 9PM, while you worked 9AM - 8PM. well, chishiya was supposed to be back by 9. he was for the first few days, before he started coming back around midnight, due to 'extra work' where you were always waiting for him. you couldn't sleep without him.

h̶e̶s̶ p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ c̶h̶e̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ o̶n̶ y̶o̶u̶

you barely saw him anymore. weekends were the exception, but whenever you proposed to do something, he would always claim that he was too tired after work to do anything. this slightly upset you, but you had to make yourself understand that he had a very stressful job, and one that requires many hours of rest.

h̶e̶ d̶o̶e̶s̶n̶'t̶ l̶o̶v̶e̶ y̶o̶u̶

you two had had an argument about this a few days after this.

"why don't you want to spend time with me anymore? don't you love me?" you sob, finally breaking down after months of bottling it up.

"of course i fucking love you. it's not my fault your just an insecure bitch who's too sensitive" he says, in his average monotone voice.

"that's it. i need a break" you say, packing your bag rapidly.

"good fucking riddance" he says with disgust.

that was your breaking point.

you slammed the door, and got a taxi to your friends house, who had kindly let you stay there.


over the next few days, you thought over what had happened. you knew about his childhood, and that the years of child neglect were catching up to him. you knew that he was never talked to kindly as a child, therefore, did you really have the right to judge? you knew that he was going through a lot at this time aswell.

this was when you had an idea.

you stayed up all night in order to make his favourite biscuits (which were heart shaped), and put them in a box, and tied a ribbon around it. in the morning, you took a long shower, washed your hair, did your nails, put perfume on, did your skincare, and put on the clothes that you knew he loved you in.

you spent an hour on the bus, and finally arrived at the hospital. you took a deep breath before you stepped in.

you walked over to the reception desk.

"hello, i'm here to see shuntaro chishiya" you said to the receptionist.

"of course" she smiled at you "and you are his...?"

"his girlfriend" you replied, before noticing a certain blonde head walking towards a room.

"ah, i see him, thanks for your help!" you said kindly as you ran towards him.

"oh- i'm sorry ma'am i don't think you should-" she shouted back at you, sadness overtaking her eyes, yet you didn't listen to her.


as you got closer to the door, you got more anxious. what if he didn't want to see you?

your heart pounded as you reached for the handle, cookie box in hand, when all of a sudden you heard a voise.

"i love you" you heard a male voice said, and your heart stopped.




this couldn't be real.

it could be a different doctor, right? or a patient?

i̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶ h̶j̶s̶ v̶o̶i̶c̶e̶

you shook your head, when you heard a feminine giggle, and another "i love you more".

you couldn't take this.

you shoved the door open, only to see your boyfriend kissing another girl.

which wasn't you.

your heart stopped as you watched them, a gasp left your throat as the cookie box clatters on the floor, and they both turn around to look at you.

the worst part wasn't that he kissed her.


it was the look in his eyes when he looked at her,

pure happiness, with sparkles in his eyes.

the way you looked at him.

h̶e̶ n̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ l̶o̶o̶k̶e̶d̶ a̶t̶ y̶o̶u̶ t̶h̶a̶t̶ w̶a̶y̶

a sob leaves your throat as chishiya stares at you, his eyes shocked.

you feel sick.

"h-how long?" you ask, trying to calm yourself down.

you can see him swallow and hesitate before giving you his answer.

"since the promotion" he looks down.

that was it.

you could feel the vomit come up your throat as you run towards the bathroom.

you throw open a cubicle and throw up violently.

what you failed to notice however,

was that it was blood.

but what you did notice, however, was the look on his face as you left the room, as he looked back at the woman.

he finally looked happy.

and you sobbed.

oh how you sobbed.

you spent so long on that bathroom floor balling your eyes out.

why not you?

what did you do wrong?

why doesn't he love you?

you didn't care that people were whispering about you.

you didn't care that you were on the dirty bathroom floor.

you didn't care that they could hear your pained sobs.

you didn't care when people stared at you as you tried to pull yourself together at the hospital sinks.

you didn't care when the receptionist looked at you with sadness as you left, knowing she should've done more to prevent you from entering the room.

but what you did care about, however, was that he didn't go after you.

he no longer cared.


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