videotapes - r.ann

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it was ann's favourite day of the week.


the day that she could finally enjoy her well-deserved rest from her difficult job with none other than you.

she spent that friday tapping on her desk, looking up at the clock, calculating just how long it would be until she could embrace you, and spend time with you for two whole days straight.

three hours.

two hours.

one hour.

half an hour.

fifteen minutes.

five minutes.

10 seconds.

ann smiled, as she began packing her things away for the day. it was a pretty boring day - only tons of paperwork to file from recent cases.

just as she was about to leave, she got a phone call, from none other than her boss.

she sighed, knowing something was up. her boss never called her for something good.


"good afternoon ann. we have just had a murder on 4th street, you know the place, six blocks away. bystanders heard gunshots, and i need you to investigate the scene. i know it is technically your holiday, but i feel that you are the most capable of handling this case"

ann signed, slightly frustrated that her partner was going to have to wait for her a while longer.

"i understand. i'll be right there"


ann felt something was up.

she could feel the bad feeling approach her when she drove nearer and nearer to the scene, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was. she just chalked it up to having to see another murder - these things were never pleasant.

as she got out of the car, she made her way over to the scene. the ambulance hadn't arrived yet - strangely enough. that said, the traffic was very bad that day. as her colleagues were taping up the scene, she went over to the victim, in a black body bag in order to try and find a cause of death easily.

she opened the bag slightly, and gasped.

there was your body, four gunshots in total - one in your arm, two in the chest and one in the forehead, probably the final blow.

she felt sick.

she stumbled inside the restaurant next to the scene, ran to the bathroom, yanked open a cubicle, and threw up.

she rubbed her eyes, and pinched herself.

this couldn't be happening.

you were fine when she left you in the morning - cuddled up inside your blanket, getting some extra sleep, which you deserved as your job as a lawyer.

so why was she now getting the news that her partner had been shot multiple times?

why her?

why not somebody else?

why not ann?

her hands shook as she grabbed her phone and dialed.

she knew your number by heart.

she was clinging onto the only hope that it wasn't you.

maybe a lookalike?

maybe a twin?

"sorry, y/n cannot come to the phone right now. please leave a message after the beep"

ann whimpered as she grabbed her chest, the realisation setting in.

she clamped her hand over her mouth as wretched sobs left her throat, muffled by the tight hand.

she had no control over the tears slipping - she didn't even try to stop them.

she ran her hand through her hair as she rocked back and forth, biting back a scream as she realised what this meant.

why couldn't you both just go home and watch a movie or something like you did every friday?

she didn't even realise she was pressing her sharp nails into her palm untl the fresh blood trickled down her hand, contrasting with the now dried blood of yours.


you laughed, as you and ann made the cookies that were your favourite for your birthday.

ann feels a deep stabbing pain in her chest, yet she keeps watching the video , desperate to see your happy face and hear your voice again.

she was a mess.

her hair was messy, she was wearing three - day - old clothes that she threw on the day of your murder, and hadn;t bothered to shower since.

her nails were short and bitten due to the stress and pain that this has brought her.

she was currently in bed, cuddled in your blankets which smelled just like you, watching old videotapes of you two doing things together.

the videotape clicked, signalling that all the videos had ended.

ann fell backwards onto the bed, not even bothering to move.

and there she lay for the next few hours, thinking about you.

but she didn't cry once.

she had used it all up the day you were gone.

instead, an empty feeling now stayed.


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