lipstick - h.kuina

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kuina was in deep shit.

and that was an understatement.

she was currently on her bed at 5AM after a long night of no sleep, and lots of thinking.

and in that time she had come to a conclusion.

kuina was in love with you.

this was a problem, and a big one.

you both lived in a world where love was not an options. chances are, you'll get attached way too fast and hard, and then at one point the person you love will be taken away from you, and this was something that she knew.

yet she couldn't help feeling like this.

she desperately tried to think of what to do, and came to the conclusion that she would never tell you. what good would come out of it anyway? a moment of happiness, then one single mistake leading to your heath, and a life of sadness.

was it really worth it?

no, she decided, whilst she desperately tried to get some sleep, knowing that she wouldn't get a lot, all because you were clouding her head.


kuina was awoken due to a loud banging at her door. she groaned, wondering what was going on, before you burst in.

"oh look it's sleeping beauty" you chucked "do you know what time it is?"

your voice tightened the knot inside her chest, and the butterflies began flying as if they were on steroids inside there.

"no" she grumbled sleepily.

"well, it's 10AM. come on, i'm here to help you get ready" you said brightly, dragging her into her bathroom and giving her clothes to wear before leaving so she could get changed with privacy.

several minutes later, kuina emerged, her hair fresh and washed as well as her skin, smelling amazing, and wearing clean clothes.

"can i help you do your makeup?" you begged, wanting to see how well you could do on such a beautiful canvas as she was.

truth was, you were in love with kuina too.

and also determined to keep it a secret from her.

"fine" she rolled her eyes, before giving you her makeup bad.

you squealed, as you began your masterpiece.


this was not going well.

the makeup process had to be restarted multiple times, due to you messing up somehow, whether it way the eyeliner, or blush, or eyeshadow. you both laughed it off, having as much fun as ever during the tedious process.

at last, you both had agreed on just doing the lipstick, as it was very difficult to mess up.

she handed it to you, and you shook your hands, stressed, and focused on not messing up (definitely not sweaty from the major crush you have on the woman in front of you).

you started to outline her lips, and she stared down at you with large eyes. oh, how she longed to kiss you - your beautiful eyes looking at her so perfectly.

one you were done, you gave her the mirror, and she gasped.

her lips looked amazing.

"i love it!" you say, proud of your creation.

"i love you" she said, with a big smile on her face, before realizing what she said.

her smile instantly dropped before anxiously looking at you, wondering if you heard her.

you froze, before staring back at her.

kuina could have easily passed away in that moment, anxiously waiting for your reply.

"you have no idea how long i've wanted to say that" you reply, before closing the gap between you both with a kiss.

your lips meet as you both smile, love filling the air, and eyes bright as you realise what this means for your, soon to be blossoming relationship.


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