chapter 3

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The next couple of days went smoothly purely because I didn't see Mr. Scrooge at all For I'd completed his breakfast and dinner and left the food there and Retreated back downstairs Before he entered the dining room, I know this wasn't protocol but I just couldn't bring myself to see him.

I know what had happened wasn't particularly serious but the way he made me feel Just won't wash off my skin he seemed so caring and considerate of my welfare but within 2 heartbeats He was scolding and embarrassing me.
I couldn't seem to shake off this constant hot feeling the Shame was now stuck to me, a permanent part of me.
And with my history it's just not something I cope with very well.

I'd sent letters to my family explaining where I was but I'm yet to hear anything back from them I doubt I will, I miss them so much But last I heard And I'm not even sure it's true as it was passed on by an orderly at the hospital But my grandmother was sick And was close Departing this world I did ask to leave to visit her but it was denied instantly I'm not sure if it was denied by my family or by the hospital But either way it crushed me to know that my grandmother died because of the hurt and upset I caused.
My family regularly visited my mind Throughout the tasks of the day as they were always mindless and I was always left with my thoughts But today was a better day as I had to go to the shops to pick up more supplies for dinner and breakfast I met the butcher the Baker and the Green grocer for the 1st time And everyone was so friendly and full of joy Talking of their families and how they felt this year was going to be a better one I couldn't help but smile all the way home for it was the 1st normal conversation I had in such a long time.
However my good spirits didn't last long for when I stepped in the door I saw Prudence asleep on her bedding I knew he couldn't be far away.
I hurried to the kitchen in a hope to Dodge him But as I walked down the steps He was Set at the table..

"Oh sorry sir " I mutter as I avert my eyes That all familiar heat rising to my cheeks.

"Where have you been ?"

"I...I...I" I can't seem to get find the rights words forcing that pink on my face to darken into deep red.
He starts tapping his foot I'm sure his patience is running out.
"For the love of God women" he Slams his hand on the table.
"Its not a difficult request, where. Have . You .been"!
I cough trying to clear my throat.

My legs feel like they may give way any second "I the um um shops sir to re...stock" I gulp the The final word in Relief.

I sneak a look at him and see his shoulders Relax.
"Good! For I have heard of your kind running away"
He steps closer " Although from what I have been informed you have nowhere to run maybe I should trust you won't leave?" he questions
I shake my head my eyes returning to the floor.

I feel the mood shift in the room as he clasps his hands together making me jump slightly "Right tomorrow you will be Accompanying me to My place of work For it is in need of a clean, I won't be needing breakfast so please be ready for 7.30" before I even have time to respond he has made his way up the stairs and out.
My hand is visibly shaking I don't want to give the man any more ammunition To think I am unworthy of this job.

As he requested I was ready by 730 And waiting by the front door.
I hear his steps coming down the stairs but choose not to look up until he stood in front of me.
"Come" he announces as he steps out the door with prudence behind him.

The short walk is uneventful And I remain at least 7 paces behind him, his place of work is bleak and dull not entirely sure what i expected, I had been informed by the green grocer yesterday that my employer was a money lender Which certainly fits his personality.

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