chapter 4

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Even though I was starting to get better every so often my temperature would spike And I would fall back into a deep sleep I was still completely exhausted.

I was jolted awake one early morning by scrooge "you was screaming" he said with wide eyes his hands holding my shoulders in place my breathing started to calm and felt his fingers relax, he stepped back and took a seat in the arm chair "sir you should go back to bed" I say yet again embarrassed by my actions.

"I would rather sleep here than have to get up again with your antics"
I really wish he would leave me be , I am forever an embarrassment to him and it brings me nothing but shame.
I take the glass of water from my night stand in hope to dodge his gaze when I hear a intake of breath knowing he was about to speak "who is Richard"?
He asks
I gasp and choke on my water " unm sorry sir what?"

He rolls his eyes "Richard, you was screaming for him to stop"

I new better than to lie "he is my husband "
his eyes twitched and the silence that fell between the room was deafening.
He cleared his throat " Ah yes the husband you betrayed correct?" His tone was cutting
I bit my tongue, he only new what the hospital informed him.
"I didn't betray him, I didn't break my wedding vows" I spat He was visibly shocked by my words I rarely lose my temper but I think this sickness has taken its toll on my patience and I couldn't stop my the words falling from my lips.
"In a error of judgement i become friends with a male neighbour, nothing more!" I choked "he was kind and checked on me......" Scrooge said nothing as I searched for the right words, " well I thought he was kind...he asked me to help him one afternoon with setting up a event he was planning, I saw no harm in this and I humbly obliged" my eyes start to sting as tears threaten to break through, Scrooges face had yet to change expression completely blank.
"He asked me to fetch some whisky glasses from the case behind and when I..umm turned around he was there maybe a inch or 2 from my face, he said he could make me happy and my husband didn't deserve me, I froze as his hands...." my chest feels like it may burst..he won't believe me why am I telling him this.
Softly Scrooge learns forward in his chair and almost whispers "Please...continue"
I take deep breath "he kept telling me I deserve more as he..." I can't finish the sentence but start a new one" I did nothing, I didn't stop him, I didn't say no" the tears freely rolling down my cheeks, I grip the sheets beneath my hands so tight its like I may fall from this earth if I don't.

"He took advantage" he says calmly even after my story his expression doesn't change, however his eyes say different they are full of sorrow and disgust.
"You did no wrong"

I chuckle" you are mistaken sir I did do wrong I should of stopped him" I wipe my tears from my face.
Scrooge rises from his seat and sits on the edge of the bed " how did you end up in asylum?" He asked this in such an awkward manner who didn't seem to know where to place his hand but seemed to settle With them on his lap.

"Well I told my husband, it was duty to do so...well he saw this as me admitting adultery and said I needed to be punished for my indiscretion. He left me with more bruises than I thought possible"
I Instinctively hold my wrists as I remember him grabbing them when I tried to defend myself.
"Even after my punishment he couldn't stand the sight of me and between him and my family they decided I needed to be sent away"
My head starts to throb
"As having an insane wife is better than having to Divorce and causing scandle and preventing my sisters from marrying their future spouses"
I start to feel dizzy.
"Sir I'm not feeling so well"
His eyes widen is concern and he takes my hand "you must rest now" He insists I nod and give him a squeeze back.
I haven't Even so much as whispered those words to anyone in all that time, even though I felt so drained I felt a weight had been lifted off of my chest.
I couldn't believe how kind scrooge was being I didn't know he had the ability to do so.
He Wiped a single tear from my face with his thumb and I felt my eyelids start to close.

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