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Lucien sighs, glaring at the paperwork with quite dirty words of anger in his mind, but he does not speak them. Cussing paperwork out would be weird. He gently sighs and starts to go back to work until he sees a new addition to his desk. He didnt remember putting a giant fluffy ball of fur on his desk. "Hello, Twix. I see you've not only come to infect my house, but My office as well."

If Cussing out paperwork was weird, maybe this was weirder

Of course, Twix only tilted her head and let out a chirpy mrrwow as a response. Lucien sighed. Of course a cat wouldn't respond. Why did he even speak to a small thing of fur? Maybe he's going crazy already. "First it started with Chaos's odd cat boyfriend, and then you? What am I going to do with you things?" He leaned his head on the back of his hand with his pen, smiling. All of this was jokes of course. I mean, he was already speaking to a cat, what part of this screams truthful?

Twix Mrowed again and approached Lucien's hand, rubbing against him. Lucien felt the faked-sourness melt away as the cat purred and her fluff met his hands. Maybe he could get used to a few cats, as long as it doesn't end up being a problem. "alright, I yield, small thing." Lucien scratched the underside of his chin, Twix leaning into the touch and almost falling over when Lucien moved his hand.

"Alright, Little one. Please do allow me to do my paperwork." Twix blinked. She jumped off the table, as if understanding him, and walked out the room with her tail up and neck proud. Lucien smiled. Such cute animals these things. With that Lucien continued on with his work, face going straight as he remained focused on the stupidly long paper. He ignored the sound of clattering and yelling coming from Chaos.

He only looked up when heard a soft mrow from the doorway, and then sees Twix dragging the bow of Chaos's hat to him. She jumped up and placed the bow right in front of Lucien. Maybe these cats will end up being a problem. "You know, Kitty, if you cause more problem, you might just cause a catastrophe." Lucien smirked at his own pun. 

"Now lets return this bow to your second dad, shall we not?" He took the bow, letting Twix jump onto his shoulder as he walked out of his office into the living room. Chaos looked bewildered, his top hat on the floor and sideways. Chaos, however was in worse condition. Lucien couldn't help but laugh at the scene of his son with flour all over him, eyes wide, and mouth agape. 

He stuttered out a "Cat- bow- no?? where? take- YOu!?!?!" Lucien chuckled and helped his son up from his stooper, then took his hat, brushing the non-existent dirt and reattaching the bow. CHaos must've kept the hat to the side, since there was no flour on it. Chaos choked on nothing. "THAT CAT!!" 

"Calm down and take a shower." Chaos gasped in offense "I AM calm!" Lucien smirked and glanced to Chaos. "Then why are you Yelling, Kiddo?" Chaos choked on his own words. "Well- Well- WELL!" Chaos just groaned and started to clean up what he could, then left to take a shower after aggressively throwing his apron to the ground.

Perhaps he loves cats and the chaos they bring. He will jokingly lecture his son's lover when he inevitably came back for his real home. Kore's reaction would surely be priceless with his instant apologies.


 Word count: 602


Twix and Kore Vilmir - Me <3

Lucien Arius and Chaos Arius - Shinyskys

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