Chaos Theory

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(Kore x Chaos)


"Hey, Kore." 

Kore groggily rubbed his eyes, opening them to the face of his boyfriend. "Wh- what are you doing here...? this is the couch..." Kore lifts himself up with the added weight of tiredness as Chaos slipped up onto the couch with a loose red sweater and basketball shorts. 

"Yes, Yes I know, I should be in my room doing the stupid thing you call sleep, but I came to a conclusion! Kore will you confirm it for me?" Chaos grinned, whispering out his words as to not disturb Outcode. Kore fought back sleep with constant blinking, then took his spot next to Chaos and holding his arm.

"What is it..?" Kore yawned, giving Chaos a chaste kiss on the cheek. Chaos blushed a very slight grey then turned his body to more comfortably look at Kore. "So, You know how you'rereally nice to me but mean to Outcode." Kore game a inquisitive look and let out a slow "yeess?". Chaos smiles. "And you know how its because you're scared of offending me?" Kore nods.

"Well, I've come to the conclusion that the reason your scared your offending me is because you're attached to me" Kore stares. "... You wake me up at three in the morning just to-" Chaos gets interupted mid whisper lecture "Ah-ah! i'm not finished. And the reason your attached to me is because i was the first to be nice to you..." Kore cautiously nods.

"and I'm so nice to you because i think you're cool..." Kore slightly blushed but nodded. "Which obviously means that your nice to me because you're so cool!" Kore smiled. "But thats not where it ends no! this means that since your so cool that means I'm equally as cool, meaning I'm the coolest Outcode is a loser!"

"Hun, you didn't have to wake me up at 3am just to say you're cool." Chaos giggled, wrapping an arm around Kore. "No no, i have one more separate theory!" Kore raised a eyebrow "Go on?" Chaos took a deep breath. "So,t he reason that every one hates you is because of your white markings right?" Kore's smile faltered, but he nodded. "Well.."

"Its from quote "tainting" unqoute a Light creature, and Light creatures are seen as pretty and smart, and Shadow creatures as seen as shifty and tactful right? so naturally, this means everyone hates you because your so pretty and skilled" CHaos gets a dumb grin on his face as Kore's flushes white and he gently shoves his face.

"Be quiet you clod. you're the pretty one" Kore smiled. Chaos chuckled. "Sure, but you are too." Kore roles his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. lets just go to bed you doof." Kore moved away from Chaos. "Awe, but I want to keep talking!" "go rest" "But sleep is for the weak! I'm not week, besides Sleep is a made up concept created but pussies!"

Kore just sat there in silent confusion

"Go to bed you dimwit." he gently shoved Chaos off the couch, who quickly recovered and started to quietly giggle. "Oh fuck off!" Chaos grinned. Kore couldn't help but admire Chaos's face as he pecked Kore's head and left to his room. Kore rolled his eyes and cuddle back into the covers with a smile on his face.

Kore could still feel sleep getting to him and he covered his head with the blanket Chaos had basically declared as Kore's after all the times he had escaped to sleep here instead. In a way, Lucien's home was his home now.  Twix soon joined him under the covers, her ears flicking sleepily as Kore's ears drooped and his eyes felt sleep drift them shut

Despite being incredibly smart, sometimes Chaos could also be incredibly dumb.


Word Count: 616


Chaos Arius - Shinyskys

Kore Vilmir - Me

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