Sneeze muffin but your spitting in drinks

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"I am back and I only spat in 2 cups!" Kore slammed the door open. "You spit in cups?? Dei your child concerns me" Skie took a glance at Deimos, who was in a smaller cat form. she just purred in response. "Did you spit in mine?" Skie visibly frowned as Kore chuckled "No, I didn't spit in your cup" Skie immidiately took the drink, trusting him.

"Ugh you need to stop spitting in drinks." Outcode took hers, staring at his tablet. "Nevfurr" Kore smirked. "How you have friends and a boyfriend I will never know" Kore smirked harder. "you know, you did piss me off this morning." Kore smirk turned into a sly grin. 

"What does that even have to do with anything's it's not like you would-" her tone quickly went disbelieving "No..." Kore winked then walked to the kitchen. "CHAAAOOOSS TELL YOUR BOYFRIEND TO NOT SPIT IN MY DRINKS!" There was a short pause as Kore pecked him and gave him his drink and gave Kore a thumbs up. "Okay? what's that gonna make a difference? He's not gonna listen to me." Chaos took another sip "so your problem."

"I smell coffee-" "KORE SPIT IN MY DRINK" Lucien stared at Outcode then looked at Kore, then back at outcode. "Kore, don't spit in your friends drink" Kore smirked "I didn't he just guessed I did." He has Lucien a drink then sits on a table. "stop sitting on non sittable furniture" Lucien sighed. "Nah, this is comfy" Lucien sighed.

"YOU DIDNT SPIT IN MY COFFEE!?!" He stands up, rushing over with the kid to his drink off. "THEN WHATS THIS!?!" She points to a glob of ... "Whipped cream?" theres silence from Outcode as Chaos starts to snicker. Outcode's face flushes with embarrassment. "oh" she swiftly puts the lid back on and rushes back to his seat. "You're a fucking idiot OC" Chaos goes back to baking.

Lucien shakes his head and disappointment, sitting on the couch for once. "Kore did you spit in anyone's cup who is here?" Kore shook his head. "Good, Now I can drink with peace of mind." He sipped his drink again "Grantes I didn't think you would spit in my drink" Kore snorted. 

"Enjoy your Faux spit drink Outcode." He got up and fell into a chair with his yarn nearby, going back to one of his unfinished project and smirking slightly. Outcode blew a raspberry at Kore then when back to drawing on his tablet. "OO, drama." Lucien smirked then switched his attention to Skie and Dei.

~ later that day ~

"Haha! I finally finished these things!" Kore smiled, looking at his dog plush made with the colors of Chaos.  He threw it to Chaos, Who caught it out of Instacart and hugged it. "Cute Kore." Kore smiled as Chaos stood up from the arm rest of Kore's chair, Kore sighed and stood up as well.

"I think we should both head to bed now, It's late." Chaos game a slightly goofy smile. "Like you won't be thinking about your silly theories instead of sleeping" Kore smirked, stretching as Chaos giggled. "Alright UwU boy go sleep." Kore huffed in annoyance. "you agreed to forget about that" "I said no promises."

Chaos watched Kore fall onto the couch, happily snuggling under the sheets and purring. He smiled a bit watching him, but the first theory he thought of that night was raising questions and Kore was right there to answer, so he finally asked:

"Kore, you did spit in Outcodes drink didn't you?"

"nope, But I did spit in a cup of someone who called me disgusting for having a 'Light creatures tainting'!" Kore smiled proudly 

"Sigghh what am I going to do with you" Was his last words as he walked off to his room.


Word count: 626

I totes did not get this idea by randomly thinking "Chaos would definately be a subway worker" then thinkig "OMG Kore would be a Starbucks worker who spits in the drinks of people he doesn't like or the people who gets on his nerves"

yes the title is a friends reference


Skielar Ricket, Kore&Deimos Vilmir- Me

Lucien&Chaos Arius - @ShinySkies (not letting me tag ppl</3)

Outcode - @Ezralikestick

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