✞ The decision ✞

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Things were going pretty well between you. He never thought he'd be able to have a girlfriend, let alone someone as beautiful and intelligent as you. But there you were, beside him every chance you got, baking him desserts or just listening to him make his deductions out loud, whatever he wanted was fine with you as long as you could enjoy each other's company.

Of course, he did things for you too, mostly because he loved the sound of your voice when you talked to him about something you were excited about. You spoke with such passion that you inspired him, and you got him interested in even the simplest of things. You complemented each other perfectly, and even Watari thought of you as his daughter-in-law.

But lately, he was feeling quite strange. Almost as if it had happened overnight, he felt quite lonely when you left for university, even when you showered in his bathroom. It scared him to admit it, but he was slowly starting to need you. He liked having you around, and when you weren't he was quite distracted. He wanted to say something to you, but you weren't there, or sometimes he just wanted to stop for a couple of minutes to hug you and had to conform with looking at your picture on his computer.

The way he was obsessing over you was not a good thing for the world's greatest detective, it meant that someone could use you as his weakness, and he couldn't live with himself if something happened to you because of what he does. For him, there was no other option, and although he was afraid of how you would react, he had to tell you how he felt, hoping you wouldn't be angry with him for making such a decision based on his feelings alone.

That afternoon he summoned you urgently, told you that it couldn't wait another day and that he had to talk to you immediately. The last time he had done that had been to announce to you that there was some chance that he would be killed in the next few days, so you knew something was not right and you arrived as quickly as possible, watching his nervous figure watching you from the floor where he had his computer.

You sat down with him, watching his stern expression with concern. You hugged him to see if he would react, feeling his chest rise and fall in time with his agitated breathing. He didn't return the hug, keeping his arms at his sides and his gaze lost in the big L of the screen.

"(Y/N)," he began to speak. "I've made a decision, and believe me, saying this is not easy, but I don't see any other option."

He stood up, leaving you with your mouth hanging open as your heart skipped a beat. He was so serious that you knew what it was about, and your heart was breaking.

"I appreciate you being patient with me, and being here even though I spend most of my time working. I understand that most of the time this relationship isn't fair to you, but you've stayed despite that and for that I admire you, but I don't know if I can continue this way," he continued to avoid your gaze, fiddling with his feet as he plucked up the courage to finally say it. "The truth is that no matter how much I love you, it doesn't take away from the fact that I am L, and every minute you spend with me is another minute your life is in danger. I've come to the conclusion that the only way I can make sure you're safe is if you move in with me."

By this point, you were in tears. You really thought he was going to break up with you. You had already thought of everything you were going to say to him in response, but fortunately, now you felt all that weight leave your body, sighing and letting out a laugh, finally drawing his gaze to you, barely noticing your reaction.

"Ah? Why are you crying?"

"How could you ask a girl to live with you like that, silly?" You stood up to throw yourself into his arms, not choosing to let him go. "I thought you were going to break up with me."

"Why would I do something like that? I knew what I was getting us into when we started dating, and I haven't stopped falling in love with you since that day I met you in the library."

You kissed his lips, smiling. You clung tighter to his body, glaring at Watari for watching the scene with a smile without interrupting him earlier. You really thought that the day L wanted to move in with you he would simply have someone pick up your things and move them into his place. In a way, you were relieved that things had happened that way.

One-Shot Collection: L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now