✞ Light's twin sister ✞

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Yes, Kira had a twin sister. Yes, she had been suspected of being Kira. And yes, L had spent so much time investigating her that he had developed feelings for her. That person was you.

Equally as intelligent as Light, but much wilder and rebellious, you had met L after Watari installed cameras in your room. Of course you had noticed, they put more than fifty of them and you cleaned your room every day, you didn't notice one but half of them. Not to mention the microphones, boy did you have your fun bugging L with high-pitched sounds you looked up on YouTube.

You told your father what you had discovered, and on L's instructions, he confessed to you what was going on. It was the conversation you had with him about noticing how weird your brother was acting and how you listened to him talking to himself for hours in his room, that caused L to contact you through your computer, mostly interrogating you. Obviously, by the time he decided to confront Light once you both started university, he finally got the chance to meet you and totally had a crush on you.

You were just as stubborn, childish, and intelligent as he was. He didn't need to spend much time with you to figure it out, everyone talked about you as much as they talked about him. Only, in your case, they talked about your looks because you were the kind of girl who could dress like a homeless person and still look extraordinarily beautiful. Plus, you took a few classes together, and a lot of the things that came out of your mouth had already gone over his head. You were simply fascinating.

That's why he found himself in an awkward situation. Things had gone to an extreme that he didn't want, but he also knew was inevitable. He would have to lock up Light and Misa Amane, which meant that you and your father would probably want to be locked up too. You knew perfectly well that Light was Kira, but did that make things easier? No. It was stressing you out terribly, if anyone wanted to execute him it was you, with your own hands. You were going crazy, and even though you knew that unlike your father you wouldn't do anything against L or the investigation, whatever the outcome was, you wouldn't be any help anyway if you stood there, watching your brother. You had to be in solitary confinement and leave all the heavy lifting to L.

He tried to convince you to have a nice confinement, like your father's, but you refused and wanted to be in the same conditions as Light. You couldn't say it, but honestly, if Light was executed for being Kira you would definitely try to commit suicide, and that's why you couldn't let them leave you unchained. L couldn't bear to see you like this. He hadn't agreed and neither had Watari, you came in with chains, handcuffed yourself, and refused to say a word about where you had put the key.

After a few days of waiting for you to fall asleep, L had taken the handcuffs off and asked Watari to take you to a room so that you could have a medical examination. You were thin and didn't seem to have any energy, not to mention that you had barely eaten, not caring that Watari had gone to the trouble of bringing you your favourite food.

When you woke up, you sat up with a start as you realised you had an IV in, realising that you weren't in just any room, but L's room. How did you know? Because it was as messy as his desk, with computers and TVs everywhere, plus papers strewn all over the floor. And then of course, he was sitting on the floor watching the surveillance cameras intently.

"Oh, you woke up," he heard the sound of you getting up from the mattress. "I'm sorry I brought you here. Like your father, you weren't feeling very well physically."

"I understand" you would have wanted him to do the same for your father, but unlike you, he probably couldn't get any sleep. "Can I go back now?"

"Why don't you stay here for a few minutes?" He turned off the monitor with the cameras so you wouldn't have to watch. Watari would inform him if anything happened anyway. "You must be tired of having to watch the same space all the time."

"Not really," you confessed. "Besides, I could tell you the same thing."

"Unlike you, I've been doing this since I was nine, I chose to be surrounded by the same things."

"Oh, I don't remember you ever saying anything personal to me before," you noticed. Sure, every now and then he would make comments, but always to Light. You never really had conversations like that.

"You're right," he put a hand to his chin. "I guess I trust you."

"You shouldn't. My brother is a suspect, and you're the only person who can catch him. You shouldn't bring his deranged sister into your room, especially if we're alone."

"I know your sense of justice well enough to know that you would never hurt me," he rose from the floor to face you. "Besides, you're a valuable member of the task force. You've been very helpful, and I just want you to know that I appreciate that. I know it can't be easy working on an investigation against your own brother."

"It's not," you agreed. "But more than anything, it affects me because of what all this has done to my family, and to the whole world. Good God, this is the greatest weapon of mass destruction that has ever existed in the history of mankind. I don't know how there are people out there who can go on with their lives after living in a world like this."

"Because I exist," he answered simply, "and as long as I live, justice will always win."

"I believe you," you smiled slightly, before lowering your gaze, "But that's the thing, L. I fear for your life."

"I do too," he sighed. "But it's worth it. I'd rather lose my life being the last one fighting Kira in this war than live as a coward who did nothing but hide from his fate."

"Wow L, you surprise me. I knew you had your ideals straight, but the fact that you can follow them so fervently after all that's happened... I wish I was more like you."

"You're perfect just the way you are," he let slip, "I mean, you don't want to end up like me. I mean, you don't want to end up like me. I may seem like an interesting person but once you know everything about me there's nothing left but an ordinary man who spends all his time alone."

"That must be difficult for you. I love my solitude, but all the time?"

"Don't get me wrong, mostly it's pretty nice and quiet," he shrugged. "But lately I feel... Curious about other things."

"Like what?"

"Like you," he blushed. "You're a mystery to me, and the more I get to know you the more satisfied I am. It's strange, normally, in my cases, the more I discover what's behind the mystery, the more bored I get until it's solved. But you are the exception to the rule."

"You're very sweet," you bit your lower lip.

"I'm just being honest with you," he wiggled his toes, nervously. "(Y/N) ... Can I ask you a question?"

"As many as you like."

"If circumstances were different, and you and I knew each other, would you go out with me?"

At what point did the conversation turn into this? You had no idea. You weren't interested. You'd known the answer to his question for a long time.

"No," you swallowed a lump in your throat. "The circumstances don't have to be any different for me to want to go out with you. I'm sure that no matter how I met you, I would have been attracted to you just as much as I am now."

"Are you serious?" He seemed to think he was hallucinating.

"L, I'm the only one in the task force who sits next to you for fun," you laughed. "Things are hard for me right now, but none of that is your fault. You're smart and a good person. Of course I'd go out with you, if only it were possible."

You both remained silent, fearing that moving a single muscle would end up cutting off the tension. But you had nothing left to lose, and you reached over to give him a little kiss on the cheek.

"You know, you make it very difficult for me to have to catch your brother."

"Do it. And once you do wait for me, I promise I'll get through this."

"And I promise to do everything in my power to make sure you live in the world you deserve," he brought a hand to his cheek, caressing it with a small smile on his lips. "Especially if you give me more of those."

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