✞ Halloween ✞

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Light and L were still chained together, so whenever Light had to go out, or decided to go somewhere, L was forced to accompany him, especially after work. That night Misa was having a costume party at her flat to celebrate Halloween, she had forced the whole quarter to attend, and of course, she had also forced her boyfriend to dress up, and since Light had had to go to the trouble, he convinced L to dress up as well, even if it was by wearing a mask that covered half of his face. That was enough to silence Misa's complaints.

By the time they arrived, everyone was at the party. There was a lot of noise, music, lights, people chatting. It was to be expected, Misa was quite popular. They decided to go and look for her so she would know they had arrived and stop calling them on their phones, only to find Matsuda, who was dressed up as Fred from Scobie Doo.

"Have you seen Misa? -Light asked him, shouting.

"Yes, I think she was with (Y/N) in the living room by the TV."

They went to where Matsuda had told them, finding you dancing to the music with two other girls. You were disguised as an angel, although you were really just wearing a short white dress with thigh-high white boots and wings. You had put on light make-up and glitter on your eyelids and a bit on your lips. You were literally glowing, and there were other guys looking at you, captivated by your beauty and confidence.

L lost his breath. It was as if his fantasies were coming true. He knew he was attracted to you, but he didn't know how much. He didn't understand how you could be so beautiful and intelligent at the same time; he didn't believe such a woman could be real. They approached you to greet you, attracting your attention to which you smiled from ear to ear before hugging them quickly, not caring that they both looked at you blushing, soaking in your perfume.

You told them where Misa was and even though they didn't want to, they went looking for her, finding her in her room with a friend who was trying on her clothes. Misa greeted them and threw herself into Light's arms, kissing him, making L wish he had that kind of relationship with you. But before he could get depressed about his feelings for you, Misa told him that Watari had sent something for him earlier that day. It was a white cardboard box with a whole cake inside. No one was surprised, Watari always did that sort of thing, didn't he? But when he saw it, L suddenly remembered: it was his birthday. Normally he didn't care, didn't even bother to celebrate it, but last year, getting involved in Kira's case and risking his life for the first time, he'd gotten sentimental and celebrated privately with Watari. This year he hadn't been able to accompany him because he was chained to Light and clearly didn't want anyone to know anything about his life.

Light and L returned to the living room where they managed to find a seat on the couch so that L could eat his cake. Everyone looked at him strangely for the way he sat, except you of course, who was amused and decided to join them, sitting next to L as you noticed his melancholic expression. You thought for a few minutes about what it could be. Nothing particularly new or stressful had happened at work, so you didn't think it was the case. It could well be his personal life, but he himself admitted and demonstrated that he didn't have one. Maybe it was the party, but if it was the case he would be upset and not so depressed. Then an idea came into your head: it was his birthday. How did you come to that conclusion? You had never, in a million years, seen L sad while eating cake. The cake must have meant something important to him, something that didn't allow him to enjoy it as he normally did.

Since Light was distracted talking to another boy, you decided to get up the courage to ask L if your suspicions were correct. But he couldn't hear you, and just waved at you to speak louder. Instead, you moved closer to him, brushing your breath against his ear, shivering against his skin. For some reason, he had sensed that you would kiss him on the cheek, and in not doing so you had disappointed him.

"I think I know your secret," you said. He grimaced, not knowing what you meant. "Today is a special day, isn't it?"

L raised his eyebrows, surprised that you found out. The cake had no message or indication that it was for his birthday. But of course, he knew you were very clever.

"Could you not tell anyone?" Now he was the one who came closer to you, enjoying every second of being close to your shampoo scent.

"Your secret is safe with me," you smiled at him. "But this is no way to celebrate, come with me."

You set your impromptu diabolical plan in motion. You pulled L, and therefore Light, up to the roof of the building, where Light kept asking what the hell was going on, before pushing him into the caretaker's wardrobe and locking him in there, with the chain as the only thing coming out. Light started screaming, to which you laughed and told him you needed a moment alone with L, taking a barrette out of your hair to help him free himself from the chain for a moment, while Light stayed locked in there.

Normally L would have been upset and thought Light might have something with him inside, something to prove he was Kira. But they'd been living in chains for too long, he even knew what colour his boxers were, even if he'd avoided looking. L was sure that, at least for now, Light didn't have anything with him.

"Quiet, much better," you said, moving closer to the edge of the building to get a better view of the city.

"Yeah," L agreed. "(Y/N), what's all this? Why did you bring me here?"

"I figured you wouldn't want to spend your birthday that way, so I thought if only for a few minutes we could do something you want. "

"That's very thoughtful of you," he thanked. "Why are you being so especially nice to me? "

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"You just locked up a man against his will to be alone with me," he laughed. "I'm pretty sure you wouldn't do that to be alone with Matsuda."

"Definitely not," you laughed too. "I know you're misunderstood, Ryuzaki, but I like you. You're the best friend I've ever had."

Something didn't sound right about that, and he knew what. He didn't want to be your friend, he wanted to be something else, but he kept fighting himself not to be. He didn't want to suffer your rejection.

"You're the only female friend I've ever had," L thought out loud to himself.

"See? I think we're both very special to each other."

"More than you realise," he sighed.

"Well, happy birthday, Ryuzaki."

"Thank you," he blushed.

"Would it be weird if I gave you a hug?" you asked, looking for an excuse to get close to him again. L thought for a moment.

"No, I don't think so," and even if it was, he didn't care. He wanted to feel you.

You put your arms around his neck, resting your chin on his shoulder as he brought his hands awkwardly to your waist, smiling slightly as he tried to pull you even closer. Your embrace lasted longer than could be considered normal between a pair of friends, and you both knew it, but didn't care. You enjoyed each other's company until a cold breeze made you pull away from him, hugging yourself. L locked his gaze on yours, thinking about how much he wanted to wear something like a jumper so he could give it to you. Suddenly the idea of you wearing his clothes sounded quite tempting and quickly turned into a fantasy.

"Ryuzaki," you called out to him.


"Are you all right? I don't think I've ever seen you blush like that before."

"I'm fine," he said, looking down at you. "Let's let Light out before he goes hoarse. "

"Fine," you agreed, but as soon as you started walking you plucked up the courage to do what you wanted. "But first..."

You walked up to him and planted a kiss on his cheek, smiling as you blushed and let out a small, involuntary giggle, enchanted by the soft texture of his skin.

"I could actually fall in love with you." He said.

"I think you already have," you joked, not knowing you were absolutely right.

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