✞ The nation has surrendered ✞

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Note: (Y/C) is your country.

All was quiet and calm, there wasn't much news on Kira's case. It was obvious that L had been right about Light and Misa, but you still couldn't find a way to convict them. You had nothing left to do but wait for them to make a mistake, though it seemed like you were just wasting your time. Either way, you didn't want to give up until you did everything necessary to catch this killer. You didn't agree with his mentality and you were terrified of what he was turning the world into. Maybe there wasn't as much crime as before, but you had never seen so much terror on the streets. You couldn't just give up; you were going to fight to the end. Unfortunately, people, even governments, were accepting Kira, and that evening your country was surrendering in an official announcement that was being broadcast live on television.

"Next, the president will give his statement regarding Kira," said the reporter before the cameraman changed the shot.

"(Y/C) will no longer oppose Kira," the president said calmly, and didn't pronounce another word.

You were dumbfounded. The president had just said he agreed with Kira and disappeared from the scene. If he really thought what he was doing was right, why did he seem to be running away from the press? You couldn't believe it, until that day you hadn't felt particularly proud of your country, let alone patriotic, but you could do nothing but shed tears silently, as you listened to the distant voices of the other team members, who were clearly upset too.

You felt Light touch your shoulder, asking if you were okay, but you were still in shock, and you didn't answer, you kept crying as you choked back your sobs and hid your expression behind your trembling hands. No one knew what country you were from; you had never cared to share it and they hadn't been asked either, but even Matsuda knew from the way you were suffering that you were from that country, and that you were deeply disappointed in what was happening.

Unable to compose yourself, you told L that you were going home for the day, as you couldn't concentrate on the case and didn't want to become a distraction. The team was quite worried about you, so you were not allowed to go home in that state. Light offered to walk you home, but instead, you agreed to stay in one of the hotel rooms for one night. They wanted to make sure you were okay.

Still confused as to why you were so affected by what happened, you remembered the days in (Y/C). You grew up there with your parents, and in a way, it had always been your safe place, but you weren't sure it would ever be again. Even if you caught Kira, nothing would ever be the same again, that much was clear. You and L had talked about a plan to help the world get back to normal once it was all over, and it wouldn't be easy, which was saying a lot for two of the smartest people on the planet.

Someone knocked on your door, and you thought about not opening it fearing it might be one of the boys, but you were glad you did anyway. It was L, who just wanted to check on you. You were surprised that he didn't come with Watari, as he normally did. He was alone and asked to sit next to you on the bed so you could discuss something. He was silent for several seconds until he finally let out a long sigh and fixed his big eyes on yours.

"I'll be honest with you, (Y/N). I've never been affected by seeing someone cry before," he put a thumb to his lip, thinking.

"I'm sorry. I got carried away with my emotions, and I know you hate that."

"No, your reaction was totally understandable. I should have known you'd be like that as soon as I heard it was about your country" of course, he knew where you were from because he had your file. "I don't mind if you act like a human being, it's one of your best qualities."

"Is it?" You blushed. "Thank you, I guess."

"I don't want to overwhelm you, but you know the kind of person I am. I have to tell you what's on my mind," for the first time in the whole conversation, he looked away. "I'm convinced I'm attracted to you. No, more than that. I really care about you."

You wanted to tell him that you liked him too, that you really loved him, but for some reason you didn't have the courage to say it, you could only feel the blush on your cheeks increasing with every minute.

"I'd like to hug you." He continued.

A hug? You'd never seen him touch anyone before, except the time he fought with Light, of course, but he didn't seem like that kind of person. You weren't one to refuse such a request, much less from someone you loved so much, so you nodded, somewhat amused by his inexperienced way of approaching you and finally ending the distance that separated you. You reciprocated his embrace without delay, smiling over his shoulder, disappointed that in the blink of an eye he broke away with a small smile on his lips.

"I like the way your hair smells," he murmured.

"Thank you, you're warmer than I thought."

"I've never felt this way about anyone before," he confessed. "And since we're both risking our lives on this, I'd really like to try dating you some time."

"I'd love to," you smiled.

"But I'm not really good at this kind of thing, so you'll have to help me figure out how to behave."

"It's not necessary, L. I like you. Just be yourself."

"Wow, you're really not like the women I know," he laughed.

"I hope that's a good thing."

"It is. You're the reason I want to save this world from Kira."

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