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chapter eleven 

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chapter eleven 

"Kenz?" I woke up to Fez staring at me as I slowly woke up lying on the couch in Fez and Ash's living room. 

"Morning Fez," I yawned. 

I grabbed a couple Advil and popped them in my mouth to try and cure this severe hangover. After I told Ash it was too late I came straight inside and passed out on their couch so who knows where he is right now. I can barely remember what I said last night. 

"When did you get here?" Fez asked, sitting on the couch next to me. 

"Ash drove me home last night but I think it's best if I get going," I said, standing up and giving him a small hug. The last thing I wanted was to be confronted by ashtray when I'm this hungover. 

Fez stood up and followed me to the door, "Come on kid. At least let me drive you." 


"Thanks Fez," I smiled, jumping out of the car. 

He smiled back, "Anytime kid. Come over whenever you want okay?" 

"Of course," I replied, walking up my driveway and opening the front door to the house. I walked through the house towards Rues room to see Leslie standing at her door and Gia sitting on her bed listening to their conversation.

 I walked into Gia's room and sat with her, "What's going on?" I whispered. 

She shrugged in reply and I decided to try and listen to their conversation. 

"What are you talking about?" Rue sniffled. 

"I know you're doing drugs again," Leslie breathed. Fuck. 

"What? Did Gia or Kenz say something about this?!" Rue said raising her voice. I could hear her footsteps walk towards Gia's room. I know this type of Rue. And it's not the normal Rue. It's the one I despise. 

"Really? You're both about to rat me out to fucking mom?! Over smoking a little bit of fuckign weed is that what the fuck we're doing now? " she yelled, stomping into Gia's room. 

"Rue come on," I pleaded. 

"What are you talking about," Gia asked. I could tell she was as scared as this Rue as I was. "I didn't rat you out." 

"I knew I shouldn't have fucking trusted either of you," Rue snapped. I always try to remind myself that this is the drugs talking when Rue acts like this but I can never stop worrying about if she's going to talk to me after. 

"Rue. We didn't say anything," I said. 

"Then what is she talking about!" She yelled. 

Leslie walked into Gia's room and looked down at Rue, "Wait wait wait. Were you doing drugs with Gia and Kenz?" Oh fuck. 


"What. Rue we didn't say anything," Gia spoke loudly. 

Leslie turned to stare at both of us, "You both knew this! You knew she was doing drugs." 

"It's not like that!" Gia replied. 

"Okay you know what if you want to fucking consider smoking a little weed for my panic attacks doing drugs, then fine go ahead," Rue explained. Rue stormed out of the room which left Leslie, Gia and I alone. 

"You knew?" Leslie spoke to the both of us. "Don't slam my door Rue!" Leslie stormed out of Gia's room and walked into Rues with Gia following 

"Gia, maybe give them some space," I pleaded but was ignored by her which led me to follow. 

Rue was sat on her bed with Leslie looking down on her, "I'm not talking about weed Rue. I'm talking about Pills."

"What?" Rue replied. She tried to act confused but it was obvious she was lying. I had no idea Rue was back on pills and if I knew I would have tried to stop her. 

"I'm talking about opiates." 

Rue yawned to try and play off the lie, "I'm not doing opiates mom." 

"When did you start doing pills?" Gia asked. 

"Gia!," Leslie said, raising her voice again. 

"I fucking didn't!" Rue replied. 

Leslie turned the conversation to Gia, "Gia let me handle this! go to your room." 

"Yeah fuck it," Gia yelled, storming away. 

"If you wanna drug test me let's just do it," Rue spoke. 

"I don't want to drug test you." 

"Okay so then what? You just want to fucking accuse me of shit?" Rue snapped.

 "I'm not accusing you baby I know-," 

"Okay so let's fucking do it!" 

"Rue," I breathed. I knew this wasn't going to end well. 

Rue turned to look at me. Her eyes looked evil, almost like she could have killed me for just saying her name. 

"What the fuck do you want Kenz? Obviously you've made up some dumb shit so all the attention would be turned to me. Ask her if she does drugs mom. Ask Kenz," Rue yelled back me. 

"Rue this isn't you taking," Leslie spoke whilst looking at me apologetically. I know that Leslie would never pick me for someone to do drugs so I felt very safe that she wouldn't believe Rue. 

"Drug test me then mom!" Rue said as she walked out of her room and towards the bathroom. 

"I don't need too," Leslie called out. "Jules told me everything." 

Before I could hear or see anything else, I was in my room, packing a small bag with anything essential I need. I was going to need to stay the night or a couple nights at Maddy's because I wasn't about to end up in a situation like last time when Rue went like this. 

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