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"Alrigh ma, Im leaving now", Lo'ak yells from the entrance to his mom.

"Ki kote ou prale" , she screams back.
(Where are you going)

"With my friends, we going to hangout thats all", lies is all he said. Really they were going to some late night party later and waiting they was gonna smoke some. But what she doesn't know won't tell her right?

As he finished all he had to say, there was a car horn honking for him. All his mother had to say was nothing in return so that was his "okay" to go.

Happly, the teenager walked out the house. Seeing his friends in a red honda.

As he opens the door, a big smell of weed greets him too. "Wassup slime", one of them say as they dap up Lo'ak. As they all do.

"What's good". Of course the front seat was open for him to sit as always and the two others sit in the back.

"Where that fine ass brotha of yours" the driver says as if Lo'ak forgot him.

Of course, Neteyam. His perfect, order brother. Everyone loves him, he's at every party there is and always being invited to them. Lo'ak feeling like he's only known in the streets because of Neteyam. But he made a way to get his name around without his older brothers help.

All Lo'ak could respond with the famous Sully family eye rolls.

"Speaking of him", one of these friends say making everyone look out the window.

"Hi yoll", Neteyam says with hastiness. Messing with his lil brothers hair.
"Bro, who are youuu", Lo'ak says to Neteyam. Snatching his hand away from him. "I needs me a ride to my track practice, can i get a ride?".

He had on his AAU DnT shirt (name of the team) and some Nike sweatpants with crocs their sister Tuk arranged for him.

Neteyam's been doing track for his whole life. Their dad put him in after chasing after him when he was a toddler. Natural he was fast. Also won gold medal on top of gold medal and all different type of AAU trophies.

Lo'ak goes from looking at Neteyam to looking at his friend on the drivers seat. Who's smirking at neteyam and Lo'ak.

"Fuck on lil nigga" he says. Jerking his friend towards the backseat to Lo'ak, basically throwing him in the back.

As he steps out, neteyam throws him a taunting look. 'Bitch ass' Lo'ak thinks, knowning better than to say it out loud.

As they are on the way to drop off Neteyam, Lo'ak can see how his friend in the driver seat look at his brother and he could have swore he saw him placing his nasty hands on his brother's thigh. Everyone knew he had a crush on neteyam, it was a known fact throughout the neighborhood.

They finally, what felt like a whole decade later, got to his destination. The car ride had loud music, everyone but neteyam smoking some rotated joint. Neteyam, unlike his younger siblings, didn't enjoy the high of smoking and all that stuff.

"Thank you", Neteyam said all sweetly to the driver. Lo'ak knew it was all an act. All behind the perfect little teenage boy Neteyam appeared to be, Lo'ak knew he was just a evil little spoiled military brat. Was it really in his head? Yes. But, was half of that true? Also Yes.

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