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It's a new day and the Sullys beens on the road to what feels like days. They've said their goodbyes to their friends and family went on the road towards Texas.

"Are we there yet", Lo'ak asked for the one thousandth time. All there are around them are highways off of highways. Neteyam and Tuk were in the far back sleep and Kiri and Lo'ak sat in the from trying not the kill each other.

"If you don't shut the actual fuck up right now, on my dead I will kill you", Kiri threatens.

"Language" Jake spats outs

This got him quiet for a bit. But continued with his annoying nagging and such.

"Are we he-", he got cut off by his dad.

"We are"

In awe the two teens in the back looked at the big trees and buildings. Kiri turned around to wake up the others in the back so they don't miss it too.

"Finally we're here", Tuk said with a sleepy tone. Neteyam chuckled.

Soon they pulled up to a decent neighborhood. There were about 3-4 cars in every driveway. And every house practically looked the same. There were kids playing basketball in one driveway and others playing their own version of football in the road. Jake being Jake, honked his horn and said, 'Im driving can't you see'.

"Daddy you know this isn't Brooklyn where you can freely yell at otha peoples kids", Neteyam said from the backseat, Neytiri making giggle a little bit.

"Well they should've been out of the street", Jake said, sounding straight stubborn at that point.

Finally they made it to their house. They all got out of the car and Tuk and Lo'ak went running inside the house.

"Sispann kouri"
(Stop running)

Neytiri yelled from the outside and they stop immediately.

Neteyam and Kiri looked around having the same question. "Where are out boxes and stuff".

"They are already in the house to y'all's rooms", Jake asked. Looking around for his military friend. Neteyam and Kiri eyes widened.

"That means we ain't sharing rooms no mo", Kiri asked with a excitement tone. They got a nod from their mom.

Maybe this move won't be see bad.

"Jake", they heard from a neighbor from two houses in-front of them. It was his military friend.

"Tonowari", Jake said back. He was a tall brown skin man, looked around 6'2 maybe, and had curly hair. He tattoos running up his arm to his neck.

Tonowari was with three other people. Looked as if it was his wife and kids. They looked around Neteyam and Lo'aks age.

The two men dapped up each other and did that little back pat thingy

"This is my wife, Ronal", He announced. She waved at the Sullys, she also had tattoos running up her sleeve and a nose ring. She was a tall woman 5'8 at least. Also had long wavy hair. Might be the longest out of the whole family's. She was also pregnant, which was the first thing the Sully's noticed.

"And our kids, Ao'nung and Tsireya", they both waved. Tsireya had a bright and warming smile. She had the most adorable dimples ever. She the biggest doe eyes ever. While Ao'nung, had a straight face as if he had something better to do. But he was mainly staring at Neteyam. He had the exact same hairstyle as his dad, and bright blue eyes.

"Well, this is my wife Neytiri and oldest Kiri and Neteyam. The others are in the house", Jake announced. They said they're hi's and hey's and went inside the house. Neteyam and Kiri were asked to go inside the house to unpack, and Ao'nung and Tsireya were asked to help the others with anything.

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