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"I'm sorry, papi. I should went back to get him, he's probably scared please him us", Neteyam pleaded into the phone. Talking faster than normal.

"Ok, ok. Slow down, what happened?", Jake asked with a confused tone.

"We were at a party & the police came.. they took Lo'ak", Neteyam told him, he purposely said the last part slowly so his father won't do to much.

"They did what?!", Jake shouted in Neteyam's ear. He went on saying how could that happen, this-that & the third. Neteyam moved the phone away from his ear & gave it to Kiri.

"Lo'ak was just trying to help Neteyam & get in the car, pa", but he still went off on how they should have been looking after their little brother.

They arrived at the police station & practically ran to the front desk. "I'm here bout, Lo'ak Sully. He's our brother", Kiri said pointing to Neteyam, who had a worry expression on his face.

"Right... & who are these three behind you", the lady asked with an attitude. Kiri raised an eyebrow at the lady.

"Our friends"

"They're gonna have to leave since the suspect is under 18", she said with an emotionless expression on ber face.

"That's bullshit", Neteyam said loudly, giving the lady the same attitude she was giving Kiri. Tsireya grabbed him by the arm, sending Neteyam a hint to calm down.

"Sir, if you don't calm down, im going to have to ask you to leave the station", Neteyam huffed & went to sit down in those uncomfortable police station seats.

"We'll leave, be safe & call him you need anything", Roxto said out loud but mainly looking at Kiri. She smiled at him sweetly.

"Thank you Roxto", Kiri replied back. Tsireya & Roxto went into the car, as they waited to Ao'nung who was talking to Neteyam.

"You know to call him once yall hear something or if something is wrong.", Ao'nung said to Neteyam.

"Of course, we'll be fine"

"Okay..", Ao'nung kissed him on the forehead & walked into the truck.

Leaving Neteyam & Kiri sitting at the station, by themselves, no parent supervision. They were reckless teens for fucks sake. "We'll get him out, most likely Lo'ak will have a bail", Kiri commented trying to dilute the situation.



20 minutes have passed & the two were still waiting for their dad to come. Hoping that their mom wasn't coming either. They sat on the floor as both of their phones were dying & in need of charge.

"Neteyam, Kiri", they heard Neytiri say out loud. A sleepy looking Tuk was holding her hand, & an upset Jake standing right beside her.

She let go of her hand & went to hug her eldest daughter & son. "My sweet babies", she whispered. They both squeezed her, wanting to cry but obviously not in public.

"Are you okay?", she looked at both of them, who had black circles underneath their eyes. Neteyam shocked his head yes & Kiri was unresponsive.

"Don't worry we're gonna get him back", Jake insured them two & hugged them tight.


3 days go bye, & Lo'ak as still in prison. Luckily he had a bail, but too high so Neytiri & Jake worked over time to get the right amount of money for the bail. Family back in Brooklyn donated, but that can only do so much.

"Tey", Tuk knocked on Neteyam's door. He granted her permission to come into the room & they sat in the bed watching whatever the hell she be watching on here iPad.

"I miss them", Tukirey said over the annoying, yet satisfying background music on her video.

"Them?", Neteyam asked. Knowing his younger sister missed there brother, but them? Who could that be? 

"Brooklyn & Lo'ak", Tuk clarified. "I miss going & seeing my friends, kids here are country & weird. I miss grandmas cookies she made with those weird ingredients. I miss our old apartment." 

Neteyam was stunned. Not knowing how his little sister felt about the move since she never experienced anything but excitement & curiosity.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Tuk", he said kissing her forehead. "I miss Brooklyn too, maybe we can see if we can visit some time maybe". She smiled at him & they hugged. Soon dozed off to sleep in the shared bed.


"Has anyone seen Lo'ak, he's been missing for 3 days & will be behind once he ever comes back", Ms.Fumo asked the class. Currently it was 2nd period, ELA, a class that Lo'ak & Tsireya shared cause of the semester change.

"He's in jail cause of all the weed he he smoking", Someone joked. Only the people at the table laughed & added onto the joke.

"Now don't joke like-"

"Can you shut the fuck up, damn, you thought that shit was funny?", Tsireya said to the class mate, causing that whole table to shut up.

"Now Tsireya, that isn't how you go about things", Ms.Fumo said to her with a warning.

"My bad miss", Tsireya said apologizing & putting her AirPods in her ear.

The rest of the day went steady for the most, Tsireya was just lucky she made it to lunch without hurting somebody.

"How was everybody's day so far", Neteyam asked the table like they were a family at dinner. He got no response & the silence was loud. Kiri was tempted but didn't say anything. Roxto & Ao'nung just looked down & ate their lunch.

"People are jerks", Tsireya said interrupting the silence. Neteyam smiled & rubbed her arms, telling her it's gonna be ok & they're gonna get him back.

Because Tsireya spoke up, the rest of the table talked about stupid & dumb things that happened today & the funny things Lo'ak would have said/ done.


It was day 4 with out Lo'ak.

& they finally had the bail money! Lo'ak didn't get in trouble, greatly, but did get a talking to from his mother in fully Creole.

Tsireya & Lo'ak reunited again.

"stupid ass bitch", Tsireya said insulting him, then punched him in the nose.

"What was that for", Lo'ak asked holding his nose. Tsireya hugged him tight & kissed him on the lips.

"Cause I care"


So patently marijuana is illegal in Texas. Lo'ak didn't get sent to like a DJJ but just sat in a random cell until his bail was paid


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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