Another trouble for Apo...?

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Author's pov:

"Apo is your mate right??" Beta Jeff asked Mile throwing a punch at him .

Both are boxing against each other in mile's private gym.sweat dripping from their bodies and both are shirtless wearing only just track pants.this is part of their daily training routine to improve their skills.

Mile blocked the punch effortlessly but didn't throw another at jeff as he didn't expected this to hear from jeff.

Mile blocked the punch effortlessly but didn't throw another at jeff as he didn't expected this to hear from jeff

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"i didn't tell anyone right,how the hell did he know??"thought mile.

"Hey,you didn't tell anyone but i can see the way you look at him"
Said jeff.

"Did i left my mindlink open??"
mile thought again.

"stop overthinking was all written over your face & i am your best friend for a reason "jeff said smilingly.

Their little talk got interrupted by Pack warrior his hands there is a travel bag .mile can smell the croissants scent coming from it.

"Alpha we found that rogue's bag in forest "said Arm and gave that bag to mile.

"You can go now"said alpha mile.

"Is that Apo's ,Give me,i am going that way , i will give it to him " said Jeff reaching out for the bag.

Mile placed that bag behind him childishly.

Jeff started smiling teasingly at Mile.

"it's not what you think.he is a rogue and still a threat to the
pack.As an alpha i am just keeping an eye on him" said mile with irritation clear on his face and walked away .

" Now who will tell this dumb alpha,he can order others to do it for him as he is an ALPHA like he said " jeff said taunting mile after he know mile went a fair distance and can't hear him ( He is also afraid of mile😜).

Porsche pov:

When anyone asks how is your day gonna be today ,No one can say it but sometimes it depends on how we wake up on mornings .

since the past month ,Sometimes i wake up startled , sometimes nothing but with sadness in heart.

But today i felt a little different.

after that horrible nightmare and a little talk with Alpha mile,i felt a lot better and had a good sleep.

Just alone his presence gives me so much comfort.i don't know why.

Just then i heard a knock on the door.

In came was non other than alpha mile.

In came was non other than alpha mile

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"Hi good morning.did i wake you up?? " Asked alpha mile

"No alpha ,i am up there anything wrong alpha ..??"i asked him.

" No, everything is fine.nothing wrong , pack warriors found your bag in forest "said mile giving the bag to me.

Till then i haven't noticed my bag which was in Mile's hands.i thought i lost it during the chase the other day.

"thank you so much alpha.i thought i lost it"

"No need to thank me and i said right ,you can call me mile " said mile while giving the bag to me.

"Okay Mile " i said shyly.


After that, i got ready and went downstairs.

There are so many pack members having breakfast.

I went there and sat on a table far away from every one not wanting to gain any attention.

Dining table was filled with various break fast varieties.

Dining table was filled with various break fast varieties

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Seeing all this reminded me of my pack.this got me a little saddened.i continued having my breakfast in silence.

When I was having breakfast, i noticed a little commotion going on the other side of the table.

someguy was choking on his food and he is also having difficulty in taking breath.

I quickly went there and asked all the pack member to give some space to let air in.

I went behind him and placed my hands below his diaphragm and continuously moved my hands in an upward motion to help him expel whatever struck in his throat .

In no time he coughed an almond and started breathing normally.

"Hey jom, you choked on an almond ...hahah... dude even a 5 year old kid knows how to eat properly ..." that guy's friend i think was laughing his ass off saying this to that jom guy.

jom was embarrassed as hell and he started beating his friend to shut him up.

After their little bickering they stopped and turned their heads towards me like they just realized
his benefactor aka me also standing here awkwardly.

"Hey dude thank you so much for saving name is jom and this ugly looking idiot is my bestfriend tem and i haven't seen you around previously,You must be our new pack member right ...??"jom said

Just when i was about to reply....

One guy said no he shouted like "hey you are the rogue we captured two days ago right.what are you doing here..?"

Time seems to have frozen .Now everyone in the packhouse stopped what they are doing and started staring in my direction .

'Good going don't want to catch anyone 's attention and now you got the whole pack's attention '
i started scolding myself.

I can here all their whisphers

'what's a rogue doing here?'

'how is he is still alive?'

'someone capture him'

'kill that rogue'

God what should I do.i want the ground to make a hole and take me in right now.

~To be continued

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