Telling your friends!

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You and Jenna found out the exciting news almost two months ago, you were expecting and you had just arrived home after having your 12 week scan. "It feels so real now, finally getting to see our little baby in there" Jenna said, eyes still red from crying. "I know baby, it all feels incredibly surreal, like we're going to be parents, we're having a baby" you said with a smile. You had told both yours and Jenna's parents a few weeks prior, unable to keep the secret in much longer. To say they were thrilled would be an understatement, Jenna's mom had quite literally jumped with joy. Your sisters also knew, alongside Jenna's siblings, and they all knew not to say anything until you had both announced the news yourselves.

You only had to tell your few close friends before you decided you were going to put a small post on both of your instagrams, announcing to the world that you were going to be moms. You had already arranged the week prior to go for lunch with Emma, Hunter, Joy, Georgie, Johnna, Percy, Oliver & Naomi, the cast of Wednesday having not seen you and Jenna since the premier after party. You hadn't told anyone that you and Jenna had been having embryonic implants to try and start your own little family. You went to bed that night, snuggled up with Jenna's hand laid across your small bump, you'd noticed the week prior that you had started to grow a little bump. You fell asleep with a smile on your face, excited to share your news with your friends the next day.


You woke up the next morning overcome with nausea. Oh morning sickness, how you couldn't wait for this to end, your midwife had told you that it should start to fade away within the next few weeks. You felt your hair being pulled back into a bun and a hand on the small on your back "Do you want to call a rain check on lunch today baby?" She asked, rubbing your back as you dry heaved over the toilet. "No I'll be okay baby, it'll pass" you said as you leaned back against the bathtub. Jenna left and soon returned with a bottle of water in hand and a ginger hard boiled candy for you. As much as you despised the taste of them, they seemed to do the trick at helping to ease your nausea.

After around 20 minutes, the morning sickness had surpassed and you felt well enough to get up and get in the shower, Jenna joining you. Thirty minutes later after having a very relaxing shower, you both got out and dried yourselves off. Jenna put on her blue denim shorts and a black tank top, putting her open red flannel over the top of it, she whacked her hair up in a bun and sat down at your shared vanity to apply her makeup. You pondered on what to wear, wanting to show your small bump off, but not wanting to make it obvious that it would ruin the surprise.

You settled on wearing a nice black spaghetti strap shirt, looking in the mirror to make sure your growing bump was visible, and decided you would wear Jennas white hoodie over the top, you would take it off before you sat down to eat. You wore your comfy gym pants and your worn in black converse, putting your hair into two Dutch braids before joining Jenna to put some light make up on. "So, how do you propose we tell them?" You asked her whilst applying some concealer. "I've been thinking about it, and what does Emma do every single time we meet up" she asked you. "Oh yeah! The photo of me her and Georgie!" you replied.

Emma had a thing for taking photos, everyone knew. But when you were on the set of Wednesday you her and Georgie took a really funny photo of the three of you recreating the monkey emojis (🙈🙉🙊) and ever since she insisted you recreated it every time you guys got together. "When Emma asks one of us to take the picture, I'll offer to take it, and then when I'm about to take it instead of saying Say Cheese! I'll say, Say Y/N's pregnant! What do you think baby? Or we can do something different if you want" she said. "I think it's perfect baby, also I have something to show you before we go" you said, dragging her into the room you had started to decorate as the nursery.

You opened the door, and laid on the new changing table you had bought was a small onesie. "Baby I love it" she whispered. You and Jenna had agreed you wouldn't buy any clothes for your little bundle of joy unless you were together, but when you saw this whilst shopping with your sister you just couldn't resist. "I know we said we wouldn't buy without each other, but I couldn't resist baby, I thought it would be perfect for our Instagram posts" you said. "It's so tiny" she said, touching the item of clothing delicately "will they really be that small?" she whispered. You nodded, hugging her from behind "they really will be baby, so tiny" you whispered, kissing her neck.

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