Baby Shower!

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(This is a time skip continuation from Telling your Friends)

You were now 37 weeks pregnant. Your pregnancy had been pretty easy going, but as you got closer to your due date you had lost a lot of energy to do the most simplest of things. You were hoping to plan your baby shower with Jenna, however you were so tired constantly that you both decided you were going to allow Emma and Joy to plan it for you. Thats what you were doing today. You had agreed to meet the two at a little cafe to go over a few small details you wanted to include before they set the event up the following week.

Jenna pulled the car up as close to the cafe as she could, not wanting you to have to walk far. Before you had the chance to open your door, it was already open, Jennas handing held out for you to take. "Such a gentlewoman" you teased. She rolled her eyes as she locked the car and the two of you walked into the cafe, noticing Emma and Joy sitting in a booth in the corner. Jenna went to the counter and ordered your drinks as you went and sat with the girls. "You look amazing Y/N, how are you feeling?" Joy asked.

"Like I'm ready to give an eviction notice" you said jokingly. Emma and Joy both laughed as Jenna walked back to the table with your drinks. "Right Mummas, as much as I enjoy spending time with you, we haven't got time, let's get down to the nitty gritty" Joy said smiling. You began to discuss some bits and pieces about the shower, you requested neutral colours, as you hadn't found out the gender, wanting it to be a surprise. You also asked the it just be you guys and the friend group, you didn't want a huge party with it being so close to you giving birth. They agreed and the invite list was simple: Emma, Joy, Hunter, Percy, Georgie, Oliver, Naomi & Johnna. Once you had finished your drinks, and the planning you had a little time to catch up, having not seen the girls for a while.

Eventually you began to grow tired, sad that you would have to part from your friends so soon, but you wanted nothing more than to go home and collapse on the sofa. You made your way back to the car, Jenna helping you into your seat before getting into the drivers seat and driving you both home. Just before you arrived, you felt a strong cramp across your abdomen. Wincing, you held your bump, Jenna noticing almost immediately, placed her hand on your thigh "are you okay my love" she asked, her voice laced with concern. You nodded, waiting for the pain to subside. "Just another one of those Braxton Hicks thingies" you responded, recovering from the pain you were just in.

She continued to drive you home, helping you out of the car once she had parked. She unlocked the front door and you made a beeline for the couch, sitting down and placing your feet up on the footstool. Jenna sat on the footstool, rubbing your swollen feet as you let out a comfortable sigh. "I was thinking of doordashing some food for us instead of cooking baby, what do you think?" She asked. "Sounds amazing baby" you said, placing a light kiss on her cheek. She grabbed her phone, ordering you both some food, before sticking on Stranger Things for you both to watch.

Over the course of the evening you had experienced a few more Braxton Hicks, making you incredibly sore, so Jenna had offered to run you a warm bath to relax in. You gladly took her up on the offer, wanting nothing more than to get the muscles in your abdomen to relax a little. Whilst Jenna was running your bath, you stood in your room slowly stripping off your clothes. She reentered your room to let you know your bath was ready, stopping in the doorway with her mouth slightly agape. "What's up baby?" You asked her. "Holy shit babe, look how much you've dropped" she whispered. You turned to look in the mirror and saw how right she was, over the course of the day your baby had shifted positions and your bump was now sitting incredibly low.

"That's probably why I've been having those cramps all day" you sighed, following her to the bathroom. You relaxed in the warm water allowing your strained muscles to soak for a while, until the water began to cool down. You called out for Jenna, and she was quickly by your side, helping you safely out of the bath. You got dried and changed into an oversized T-shirt and some shorts, your now common choice of clothes as you've gotten bigger. You laid in bed cuddling with Jenna and watching some more Stranger Things until you slowly began to drift off to sleep.

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