the truth

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Yn sitting in class she got a dream that it's her last day at the school she got a feeling that she will not return back
Olivia = what are you thinking ?
Love= I think she is thinking about her soulmate
Yn= no I was thinking what will happen if I left this place
Olivia= do you want to die dare you to say that again
Love=I can not live without my bestie
Max= if you left who is going to compete me
Yn = you all will never forget me no matter what
All her friends= we promise
Yn went home by school Bus se saw many cars infront of her house she entered inside she saw her mother and father with suitcase filled with money
Yn = mom dad why aren't you at work
Father= you can take her
Yn = what you sold me for money to this guy
She became happy but acted like she is sad cause she hated her parents thy never understood her . they never let her do what she wanted she wanted to be a singer actor or a artist she is very good at painting but they never would let but then her dream changed she wants to be a mafia she loves to be feared she was clever and a manipulator acts dumb but is perfect for the underworld . She seems dark and bright at the same time . She never dated because of her parents they said if you dated we will chock you to death when you will be asleep she wanted to kill her self she was suffering from depression but never told her parents but she told her friends she always puts a smile on her face so no one will think that she is insane she wanted to kill her parents but couldn't because she thought it was not the right time she is an extrovert not scared to talk back she was person who gets along with everyone even her enemies and that was the secret weapon
She started crying not because her parents sold but because she was free now
Yn=how can you do this I am not going anywhere this is my home and you mister I am not going with you I don't care who you are
Mother= you are not our daughter we just adopted you because the day on 24 th sept I was going to give birth but my baby died and you were also born on that day and I kidnapped you from them cause your family was rich you have to go with him cause gave me 5million pounds it will help me to set my son
Yn= ok lady I will go with him much better than staying here
???=okay let's go
Yn = I hate you all (started laughing maniacally)

obsession (Hwang hyunjin FF)mafia AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now