painful past

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Walking on the street and laughing with friends was very New to yn . her fake parents never let her do that . Her fake parents always told her to not make friends . they always said it's a waste of time but she loved making she would secretly make new friends online and face to face but still the school was filled with toxic people
Yn was talking on phone with her bestfriend.her fake mom was looking at her . She hanged the call
Fake mom:who was she
Yn: love
Fake mom: you know how much time you wasted on her 20 minutes
Yn: but today was weekend so I decided-....
Fake mom: don't you dare to talk back and you know what I can do . Dare you to call her and I will disown you.
Yn started thinking that there was  knife in  her hand and she stabbed her fake mom many times. Cursed her . blood was coming out of her but as always it was her imagination
End of flash back
Yn felt very free. She smiled to her self her friends were not toxic . But  the Mark of scars always stay
Lily: Hey alien
Yn:hi monkey
Lily: you are looking ugly as always
Yn: you too even your older brother jade was looking more ugly than before
Lily: I will tell your mom that you call me and my brother monkey
Yn: I will tell your brother that you fucked our maths teacher
Lily: cause I am beautiful sexy hot and everything you are not . and what are you potato
Yn: I don't want to be a slut like you who always fucks teachers to get good grades
Yn: I don't want to I do hard work and even score more than you but not in maths
Yn was being tough but she knew Lily was right she had baby fat and thought she is fat . she always wears loose clothes to hide her curves cause she does not like it
End of flash back
They reached at haechan' mansion IT was big but not more than hyunjin's mansion
Haechan: you are here hi
Yn:hi wassup bro
Haechan: wassup
Haechan: let me wear my shoes and we will go out for karoke
Yn : yeah but my friends also came with me
Haechan: it's ok but which friends
Yn pointed at them. He saw ryujin and it felt like his whole world lighted up . ryujin waved at him and he waved back it can also be called first love.yn snapped him out of his thoughts
Yn: where are your friends
Haechan:oh yeah hey Mark!!! Hey Johnny!!!!
Mark: wassup
Johnny: wassup
Yn and Johnny at the same time : come on guys we are getting late we can leave you here just staring at her
Haechan:hey don't say it loud
Yn: why you laughing bro
Johnny: yeah it was not that funny at all . both being dramatic and sassy
The whole evening they spent hanging out it was very fun

obsession (Hwang hyunjin FF)mafia AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now