arriving at the mansion

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She was amazed by the beauty of the mansion . She felt like she was a Queen
Hyunjin: rule number one don't enter in my room
Yn:huh? why?is it scary or something?
Hyunjin: rule number two no dating
Hyunjin: if you want to go somewhere you have to take my permission
Yn:ok daddy (innocently)
Hyunjin: daddy huh? (Smirk)
Yn: where is my room?
Hyunjin: you can have any room if you want kitten
Yn: mr Hwang can I have a big room that has a big TV and with a big bathroom
Hyunjin:in this mansion you will find all rooms like this.
Yn: okay
Yn choosed the last room in the mansion .
Yn: excuse me sir how many people live here
Hyunjin: my sister, mother, brother and aunt
Yn: okay
The next day in morning yn wake up in the morning and she went to have a shower.her room was big but when she saw the bathroom she was like oh my god it's even bigger than my old room I am lucky

obsession (Hwang hyunjin FF)mafia AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now