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The school was really huge than your old school and she remembered about her friends
Friends POV in old school
Olivia: why is she absent today
Love: I don't know she didn't even picked my phone
Olivia: I will try calling her after school
Teacher: so class yn left this school just tomorrow we are sad cause she was very good student and her art was very good
Max: where is she now?
Teacher: England
Max: her hometown? cause she had British accent
Teacher:no to study her parents sent her to study in England
Love: but she didn't told us
Olivia: yeah you are right I think some thing is strange.
Hyunjin: this school has a lot of bullies and the principal is young and a pervert stay safe
Yn: how do you know that?
Hyunjin: because the principal is also a part of us
Yn: what do you mean by us
Hyunjin: I mean a mafia
Yn: so that means this school is perfect
Yn: what do you think about the school
Hyunjin: it's a very good school and mostly here students are part of us but not all
Yn: all right
Time skip
Yn entered in the class with a smile that was hiding her true emotions
She saw a girl with short hair
Yn: is this tenth grade sec a (in a very innocent tone )
?????: yeah it is
????: New student ?
Yn : yup
They handshaked
Yn: what is your name pretty girl
Ryujin: I am ryujin and excuse me are you flirting.
Yn winked at her and she laughed at her action
Ryujin: what about you what is your name?
Yn: I am yn and I love girls with short hair like you miss
Ryujin:oh god you are such a flirt let us be friends
Yn: yeah sure why not.
????: You seem very fruity sis
Yn: hahaha no I was just acting like that I am straight
Soyeon : I am soyeon nice to meet you
Yn : nice to meet you soyeon
Soyeon: I am also New here so let's be friends
Ryujin: sure
Yn : yeah

obsession (Hwang hyunjin FF)mafia AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now