episode 16

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Yn was very proud of her self cause she got what she needed the head girl card she was a girl who loves being leader.in her old school she was a responsible class president . when she gets the leader ship role her personality would change in a minute
Taeyong:so are you ready to have the responsibility
Yn:yes sir I will not disappoint you
(Taeyong smiled )
Yn: okay sir I should go my friends are waiting
Taeyong: okay you can go
Yn went to find her friends while smiling
Sir was so handsome and kind and his big hands oh my god and he was wearing a suit ohhhhh my goooooddddd
End of pov
Ryujin : what happened
Yn: I am head girl now
Soyeon and ryujin: omg congratulations 🎉 🥳 we are so happy for you
Yn: thanks
Soyeon: I wanna tell you something I am hyunjin's cousin
Yn: okay
Ryujin: jaemin, principal , yeonjun ,San , wooyoung , beomgyu are all his cousins
Yn: I only know jaemin and principal who are others
Soyeon: very dangerous mafias accept beomgyu cause he studies in our school
Yn: wow
Lisa: I thought a boy was standing cause you have body hair hahaha and you are looking way too ugly
Yn:   lisa my Straightener is hotter than you and you can not make fun of any student because you are under my rule
Lisa: what do you mean by your rule
Ryujin: she is the head girl and we will just give one letter to principal or I mean your ex and you will get suspension
Soyeon:so stay away from us cause we are part of mafia gangs and We can kill you and cry at your funeral
Yn: like we are very sad
Lisa:did you forget I am also mafia
Yn:so what? you should be scared of me cause one day you will be my servant cause I am way better than you humans.i am your queen bow to me
Lisa: I am never gonna be scared of you you are just a kid you ugly hairy bitch
Ryujin: poor Lisa
Lisa: I know you can't do anything
Soyeon: time will say
Time skip
Yn was fake crying in front of principal and using her charisma to make principal fall for her story
Yn:sir she called me bitch
(Taeyong was totally angry on Lisa)
Taeyong called Lisa in her office
Lisa: can I come in
Taeyong: it's May I
Lisa: come on taeyong I did not cheated on you
Taeyong: shut up you are suspended for 3months now get out
Lisa ran out of the office crying
Taeyong:yn Stop crying she will never do this again
Ryujin:may I come in sir
Taeyong: yeah
Ryujin:sir the documents of New teacher Mr Smith are asking for it
Taeyong started finding it in the cupboard and ryujin smirked at yn and yn smirked back
Taeyong: here take
Yn:sir I should go now
Time skip
In gdragon's mansion
Gd: you found her Hwang
Hyunjin: yes I did and as your promise you will make her marry me
Gd: yeah my soon to be son in law I never forget my promise

obsession (Hwang hyunjin FF)mafia AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now