episode 14

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These friends were more good than her older friends . She was getting flash back of one of her friend max
Max: Hey what you got
Yn: first you tell me what you got
Max: no you
Yn: 98 just I got this question wrong what about you
Max:98.5 hahaha I got more than you
Yn: what about you love
Love: I made record
Max:did you get a hundred
Love:no a zero again
Max: girl how are you smiling you failed
Yn: you should study atleast get passing marks
Love: actually I don't give a Fuck
Yn: what about you Olivia
Olivia:79 I thought I would get a 50 but it is really good grades.my mom will be very happy
While listening to Olivia yn started waving at some one
Max: what are you waving at
Yn : nothing
And then that someone started turning into monster and started saying wake up yn snapped out of dream
Haechan: what happened are you okay
Yn: yeah
Haechan: meet my other friends jaemin and yangyang
Yn was not happy with her life but now she was meeting very handsome guys she did not believe she thought it was again dream
But no it was not
Yn: hello have I seen you before
Jaemin: no but I had liked to meet (winked)
Yang yang:hey
Yn:hi (smiled)
Jaemin: are you the new student in our class
Yn:boy first tell me which class you study in
Jaemin:10th sec A
Yn: yes I am the one . you look like back bencher I didn't saw you in the class
Jaemin: because I skipped class
Yn: okay
Yn: you talk like Cardi B
Yang yang: hahaha
Yn: and I love her !!! Very loudly
Johnny and haechan:oh my god !!!me too
Yn Johnny and haechan:woooooow!!!!
Jaemin: (fainted smile in whisper tone) they are soooo dramatic bro
Yang yang: yeah
Ryujin and soyeon:we agree
Johnny: let's play soccer
Yn: what is that
Soyeon: you lived in America and you don't know? it's football
Johnny: no it's called soccer
Yn:no it's called football
Johnny: soccer
Yn: football
Johnny: soccer
Yn: football
Ryujin: ok guys let's eat biscuits
Johnny: they are called cookies
Yn:no biscuits
Haechan: leave it I have chocolate in my bumbag
Johnny:pfft it's called fanny bag
Mark: yeah bro fanny bag
Haechan: wait what fanny?
Everyone started laughing except mark and Johnny
Johnny, Mark: what happened it was not funny
Yn: hahaha
Yn: bye everyone We should go home now
Ryujin: yeah let's go
Soyeon: yeah
The next day
Niki:(in front of YN's bed ) wake up shorty it's time for you to get ready for school !!!!!!
Yn: I am awake!!
Niki: yeji is gone somewhere and hyunjin is on work so you are my responsibility for now and -
Yn: today is Saturday
Niki: ohhhhh Shit I forgot
Yn : and I don't know how to comb my hair . Because my fake mom never let me style my hair and she would always style my hair like nerds
Niki: maybe We can go to saloon
Yn: whoat !! Really!
Niki: yeah and we can go for shopping for your stuff and then MCDONALD
Yn: wow I never really ate McDonalds food
Niki: are you human
Yn: no I am a vampire
Yn : I suck blood
Niki: wait you know that We all are-(I don't think she knows that)
Yn: whoat??
Niki: nothing
Yn felt something strange

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