Hate- Tao Xu x gn reader

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Requested by @Diamondilovemha 

Trope: enemies to lovers

Setting: Gn!reader, Nick's sibling. Before the winter break that heartstopper is set after, if that makes any sense

Part 1 of the mini series

Probs will be short

A/N: sorry I'm so late, school is drowning me in homework and seasonal depression's a b!tch. Plus I had most of sunday @ someone's house, but I'm here now!

2nd person POV

After school, you made your way to the bus station, just to see that Charlie and Isaac were already there. You waved and joined them. 

"Hi!", you greeted

"Hi," answered the two boys happily 

You hadn't really noticed, but after a few seconds, you saw him. Tao Xu. And he was rolling his eyes, like every single time he saw you. Only that you didn't know why.  


You looked at Charlie, who had called your name. You realised you had been staring  at Tao for way longer than intended.

"Yeah?" you asked, trying to brush it off 

"Um, we're going to get some iced tea. Wanna come?" asked Isaac

Even though it was mid december, you could use a nice drink

"Sure!" you said

"Well then, I'll join later" said Tao, turning the other way, in some sort of angry way.

God, what's his problem? you thought before walkind to the coffee shop with your friends.


You picked up your drink and joined the table with your friends. You saw Elle sitting and waved at her. 

"Hi Elle!"

"Hi y/n!"

You sat down next to her and started drinking and talking with her. 

A couple minutes later, Tao showed up, with a coffee in hand.

"Hey Tao!" greeted Elle, smiling "You're finally here!"

"Yeah well, I wasn't warned about someone else joining", he said, looking at you with slight hate with the corner of his eyes. 

"Hey Tao, can we talk to you?" asked Charlie before getting up. Tao gave you one last look and left with Charlie and Isaac to the  bathroom.

"So..." Elle broke the silence awkwardly "What you been up to these days?"

"Um actually, I'm going to get another drink, if you don't mind" you said, before getting up and walking to the bar right next to the bathrooms.

Once you arrived, you listened closely to see if you heard the conversation. You heard some bits of it.

"Why do you hate y/n so much???" you heard Charlie ask

"What? I don't hate them!" answered Tao " I just...strongly dislike them"

"That is the same thing" pointed out Isaac

"ok, fine! you know who y/n's brother is?" asked Tao "It's Nick Nelson. aka a rugby lad. aka, a bully. which means that y/n will probably turn out to be the same way"

"That makes no sense!" you heard someone say before turning away and walk back to the table, where Elle waited for you.  You sat down, and a couple of minutes later, the three boys came back to the table. 

You smiled at them pretending that you didn't hear anything of their conversation. The rest of the hangout went pretty uneventful, while you pretended to be fine.


You sighed as you entered your room, leaving your backpack on the floor and laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.  

You didn't really know what to make of the conversation.

As much as you wanted to, as hard as you tried, Tao would always hate you for a stupid reason. So why try anymore.

"It's fine though. Why does this even bother me ? ", you thought while you switched to laying on your left side, looking at the wall. 

"I also hate him" , you tried to convince yourself. "Correction, there is no need to convince myself, because it is 100% true"

But deep down, you knew that it was not true 

Word count: 544

Oki doki, that was part 1 ! I will try to update this throughout this week, but maybe I won't, because  homework ✨


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