Let me help you-Tao Xu

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Pairings: Tao Xu x fem! reader


Trigger Warnings: mentions of s/h and scars/cuts, don't really know how to tag so just proceed with caution

Requested by url0cal_lesbian69

A/N- I am 2 months late and very very sorry, I don't rlly have an excuse but I'll try not to be late again

Tao's POV:

Tao walked to the front door, getting ready to go out with his friends. They were going to go get milkshakes at a park with the whole squad: him, Charlie, Isaac, Elle, Y/N, Tara, Darcy, and Nick. He opened the door and walked out into the street towards the park, it wasn't very far away. 

When he arrived to the park, almost everyone was there. It was a warm day, about 25 celsius degrees. He looked around the park before walking over to the table where his friends were. 

"Hi!" he greeted while sitting down, getting a "hi" from everyone else simultaneously. He scanned the table, noticing that everyone was there except his girlfriend, Y/N. She was usually late though, so there was nothing to worry about.

He started drinking his milkshake and, five minutes later, Y/N arrived half-running, half-walking. 

"Hi. Sorry" she nervously muttered under her breath, sitting down. 

Everyone greeted her then kept on drinking milkshakes. The whole table spoke animatedly, joking and laughing. Tao was talking too, but as soon as Y/N made short eye contact with him, he noticed something was wrong. Nothing much, but something seemed to be off. She immediately continued talking to her friends, just as Tao noticed that she was wearing a long-sleeved sweater.

 That's not good. Not in almost 30 degree weather. Was she covering- ? No, it couldn't be, right?

 He decided to keep talking to his friends, but confront Y/N later, privately. Tao leaned across the desk, to be closer to her.

"Want to come to my place after this?" he asked in a low voiced, sitting back down while Y/N nodded, a tad confused but happy from the invite.


Tao and Y/N walked through the door, the A/C blasting in contrast of the warm weather. Tao's mother tried to greet the girl, but Tao quickly led her upstairs before his mom could say anything. He closed the door after entering and sat down on the bed. Y/N just silently sat next to him.  After a while, she spoke

"So.. what do you want to do?" she asked

Tao just looked at her, not saying anything. Observing her, trying to carefully ask the question to which the answer he was dreading. 

Y/N noticed he was thinking about something. And it didn't seem to be good.

"...Tao?" she asked awkwardly

Tao took a last breath staring at the floor, then he shifted his body on the bed to properly examine her face. He carefully picked out his words.

"Why were you wearing a sweater today?" he asked, even though he was 95% sure of the reason, he was silently praying that his suspicions weren't true. 

That question hit Y/N like a ton of bricks. Oh no. Did he know?

"Um..." she nervously looked at the floor before shifting her eyes around the room. "I don't know. I guess I was just chilly?" she tried answering

"Y/N... it was like, 25 degrees." he argued, realizing that his theory was probably right. 

"Yeah, well, I don't know, I just was" she shot back on the defensive,  getting up from the bed

"Are you sure?" he asked softly 

'Wha- Yes, of course I'm sure!" she exclaimed while stopping her pacing to look at him, biting her nail nervously. 

Tao looked at her with a certain look in his eyes. A look that indicated he didn't believe her. He wanted to help, but he didn't know how. He didn't want to push her if she didn't want to talk to him, but he felt so helpless. His eyes seemed to be conveying all of these feelings. 

"Y/N please, just let me help you" he pleaded

That broke her. Her lip trembled. She stared at the ground, noticing the tears about to fall down from her eyes. 

Tao immediately got up

"Hey..." he started before being cut off by Y/N.

"I'll show you" she said, looking up from the ground "Promise not to get mad at me." 

Tao nodded "Promise" 

Y/N removed her sweater, which slowly gave Tao the sight of her scar-covered arms. 

"Oh my god" he whispered. Without wasting a second, he pulled Y/N into a comforting hug. She put her head on his head, feeling his warmth, and completely starting to sob. It was nice to let it all out, and to  be held, especially by someone as comforting as Tao. 

"I'm-I'm sorry" she gasped out between sobs "It's just... sometimes, I really hate myself, and I-" she couldn't finish her sentence, seeing as she couldn't stop crying

"Hey, it's ok" said Tao, squeezing her in the hug "I'll help you. We can make it better together, ok?" he asked softly

"Ok." whispered Y/N in the hug "Promise?"


Ok, so this is very short, but I feel like there's no sense in making the story longer. Also I'm very late and wanted to get it published soon. I'm sorry for being late, I'll try to keep up next time <3 I hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 770 

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