Hate- Tao Xu x gn! reader part 2

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Part 2 of the mini-series

A/N: I am insanely late and very sorry, I have so many assignments it's insane

Part 2- Friends


On Monday you had school again, which was fantastic considering that you had to see him again. Tao.  But oh well. You could just ignore him. 

And that's what happened. You avoided him, which was too bad, because it came attached to ignoring your actual friends. But you did it anyway. On monday, and on tuesday, and then wednesday... like during the whole week. Holding grudges was very easy to you, so you had no problem with being alone.

Everything went fine until that one day. It started out as the rest of the days of that week, but then, when school ended, it all changed. 

You were just about to leave school before Isaac came up to you. 

"Hey y/n!" 

It surprised you that he wanted to talk to you since you had ignored everyone all week. 

"Hi" you smiled at him

"Wanna hang in the music block?" he asked

"oh um.. sure! why the music block though?"you answered. He just shrugged and you followed him to the music block. 

Once you got there, you felt your heart drop. Tao was there. You had been trying to avoid him all week and now every effort was thrown out the window. You turned around to ask Isaac how come no one else was there, but he had disappeared.

You rushed to the door and tried to open it but realised it was locked. You took the little sticky note stuck to the locked door, which read 

"Left till you guys stop the unnecessary hate :)


You cursed under your breath and sat down next to Tao. You started fiddling with your hands and, without looking away from them, broke the silence.

"Why do you hate me?"

"What?" asked Tao "I don't..hate you" 

"Right" you scoffed "You just "strongly dislike me" "

Tao's eyes widened with realization

"Did you-"

"Yeah" you interrupted "I listened to your conversation. Which brings us back to my question. Why do you hate me so much?"

Tao stayed silent for a moment

"You know your brother's Nick Nelson, right?" he asked

"No way, really?" you answered sarcastically 

"Well, he's a rugby lad, and rugby lads are bullies, so..."

"Hold up, let me get this straight." you turned your body to him and looked at his eyes " You hate me because my brother plays rugby??"

"Well when you say it like that..." he said, earning a death stare from you. He sighed "Look. I guess I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have judged you because of your brother and been so harsh. Truth is, you're really cool and I was scared of you incrusting in our friend group, which was stupid. I'm sorry"

He looked down at the floor and you both stayed in silence for a moment, before he spoke again

"Listen, y/n... I think you're really cool and I really like you-"

"We should be friends, don't you think?" you finished his sentence, smiling. He looked up from the floor and smiled at you

"Yeah. I think we should"

Oki doki that's it for part 2! Part 3 will be  ✨the conclusion✨, coming before next sunday, so yay! 


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