Sick - Tarcy x reader

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Poly! Tara, Darcy and reader - requested by Hansbanas


Warnings: None. It's short but this is pure fluff and joy. Enjoy you silly gays. 

Your POV

You arrived at your house after school. It had been a long day, you were extremely tired and you felt your head basically pounding like a drum. You lazily dropped your bag on the ground and fell into your bed, staring at the ceiling.  You felt exhausted, but that may just be the usual due to school. You shot up in surprise, sitting upright when you heard the front door open and voices talk. It was your mother, talking to Tara and Darcy, your girlfriends. You tried to listen, but your head hurt too much, so it wasn't really effective. 

After a while, could have been a minute or five, you heard foot steps up the stairs and approaching your bedroom. 

"Hey!" greeted Darcy opening the door, a bit too loudly in your opinion. Tara walked in more gently

"Hi! How are you?" she asked while you groaned. 

"I feel like there's a drum inside my head, except they're pounding on my brain instead of a drum. Or something. Thoughts not working" you sighed"what are you guys doing here? I'm sick"

"So?" asked Darcy sitting down next to you on the bed

"You'll get sick too!"you exclaimed

"I'm already sick anyways" said Darcy

"And I don't mind catching whatever you're sick with " shrugged Tara "And I'll do both of your homework when I'm home"

"Oh well, ok. I guess I don't mind you staying" you replied smiling while they lied next to you in the bed, Tara to your left and Darcy to Tara's left.

You placed your head on Tara's shoulder, cuddling closely and feeling her warmth while she rubbed your shoulder. You all lied in silence ,cuddling, for a couple of minutes. 

"It's weird that you're sick" said Tara to you "I mean I'm not surprised Darcy's sick, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was, but you never get sick"

"Yeah, it's true" agreed Darcy

"Guess I got it from you, Darce" you said, remembering your kiss a couple of days ago

"Yea guess so" she laughed before breaking into a cough, after which Tara abruptly got up from the bed. 

"Hey, where are you going?" you asked with a hint of sadness in your voice

"I'm just going to make you guys something warm, I'll be back" she answered before going downstairs. 

You sleepily mumbled an "ok" and closed your eyes, slightly dozing off before she came back upstairs, bringing two cups of tea with cinnamon and a big blanket.

"I asked your mum for a blanket, and I made you guys tea" she said, placing a cup on each bedside table and lying back down in bed, placing a blanket over all three of you.

Time slowly passed as peacefully as possible; with only the occasional drinking of tea in silence. Your feet were tangled with your girlfriends' while you rested, snuggling to the blanket for warmth, hearing Tara's and Darcy's breathing, cuddling with them. Your head was still pounding like crazy, but now you were cozy with the two persons you loved most. 

Snow slowly started to fall outside, giving the setting an ethereal vibe. 

"You feeling any better?" asked Tara stroking her fingers through your hair, and possibly Darcy's too 

"So much better now that you're here. I love you" you mumbled, snuggling closer to her, enduring the pain with your amazing girlfriends. 

Word count: 548 

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