Christmas Eve - Tori x f!reader

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Fluff (might be a bit ooc)

You and Tori sat on the floor of your bedroom, getting ready for the Christmas Eve dinner your parents had invited her family to. Your phone was playing Townie by Mitski distantly on loop while you talked, sitting on the floor and doing makeup. Tori was already done, seeing a she had mastered the art of doing eyeliner, but you were still struggling with it. You sat in front of the portable mirror, cross legged and facing her, while the music kept sounding and Tori observed you. 

"Want help?" she asked, while you wiped your attempt for the fifth time

"Yes, please" you replied dramatically, while she moved closer to you, picking up the eyeliner and starting on your right eye. 

You tried to stay still and focus your breathing, unable to keep the flush from your cheeks from rising while she focused on your face and lightly brushed her hand against your skin. When she finally pulled away, you intently stared at her, observing her every move in the peaceful lack of conversation. 

After she put everything back in the makeup bag, she looked up to find you staring. 

"What's up?" she asked

You shrugged

"Can't I stare at you?" you asked, smiling

Chuckling, she rolled her eyes without any real heat to it, and leaned in to peck your lips. 

"Come on, we're gonna be late" she said, helping you stand up and holding your hand while you went downstairs where everyone else was


It had been awhile of standing in between adults' conversations and taking occasional sips from your drink when you decided to go sit by the fire and warm up.

You squatted in front of the fire, extending your hands to it and observing the flames, beautiful and hypnotizing. 

After a few minutes, you heard footsteps approaching and, eventually, Tori sat down next to you, crossed leg.

"Hey" you said "Bored?"

"Yep" she replied "And thank the gods you're here, or i'd have tossed myself out a window half an hour ago"

You laughed and put your arm around her, side-hugging her while she leaned her head on your shoulder.

"Well, as long as I'm here then" you said "we can have fun. I mean we can't really leave, but we can chat or play twenty questions or-"

"Girls, dinner" called out your mom

You groaned and threw your head back

"Come on, we'd just gotten cozy" you whined while standing up and reaching for Tori's hand.

Dinner was uneventful; food, conversations, exchanging looks with Tori and the usual. After a couple of hours and cleaning up, you both could finally escape and go sit on the couch, in front of the chimney fire and chatting. Oliver and Charlie came sit with you after a bit, and you played Mariokart -you won only twice, which is extremely unfair - and talked. 

Once the clock stricked eleven, the adults moved their conversation to the sofa, to which you grabbed the chance to get closer to Tori to "give the adults space" while they talked. The room was brimming with warmth and laughter. You two started to quietly talk about school, films, the winter break and future plans to hang out, maybe at a coffee shop or near the river. Outside, the snow started to fall.

Short fic for Christmas <3

Merry Christmas if you celebrate and if you don't have an excellent winter break :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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