Hate- pt.3 (final part)

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hi! I know I said probs before this Sunday and rn is Monday but i had a writer's block 👍 so enjoy last part of the mini-series!

tw: a bit of swearing

Part 3- Confession 


It had been a couple of months since you and Tao had decided to be friends. Over time you had gotten closer and closer, to the point of basically becoming a package deal.  You did almost everything together, hung out every weekend, joked around...

Some of your friends thought, for some stupid reason, that you liked Tao . But of course I don't! you thought to yourself after their comments. Of course I don't

It wasn't until one day that you stopped telling yourself that.  You had been out with him for milkshakes and spent the whole afternoon joking around. When you came back home, you stared at a wall in your bedroom questioning your whole existence.

"Do I like Tao? No. Of course not, right? He's just my friend. We're friends" was repeated in your head for around an hour before you threw a pillow to the wall and lied on your back in the bed. 

And that's when it hit you, like a bunch of bricks

"Holy shit I like Tao Xu!" 

The next day you decided to tell your friends. You approached them at lunch with a worried look and whispered the news to them, which immediately changed their expressions. They were literally about to start jumping up and down before telling you you should confess.

"Confess?" you asked as they nodded

 "No. That is insane!" you whisper shouted

"What could go wrong?" asked Elle

"A lot! If he doesn't like me back, then what do I do? Just sit there? Nothing will be the same!" 

"Ok but... he definitely likes you back" stated Elle

"Fine. But when should I?" you asked

"Whenever it feels natural" shrugged another friend


You were just hanging out with Tao, as usual, in his room. He was drawing some art homework and you were lying on his floor, staring at the ceiling. 

Suddenly, you felt a chunk of paper being tossed at you. You pushed yourself up on your elbow and stared at Tao.

"What?" you smiled

"What are you thinking about?" he asked

Knowing you were thinking about him, you panicked


"Come on, you know that doesn't sound convincing!" he laughed, lying down next to you 

You stared at him while he smiled, his face was a couple of inches from you. Everything about the moment felt magical, ethereal. You just stayed silent, observing his smile.

"Ok, how about we each say a secret" he suggested

"No way" you answered

 "I'll go first" he offered

"Ok" you said "Go"

"I think that you're very pretty" he said 

Your mouth opened in confusion

"Stop staring at me!" said Tao "It's your turn, go"

"Ok, well..." you turned to stare at the ceiling, medidating whether you should tell him now. 

"Come onnnn" pressured Tao

This felt like a good moment, so you closed your eyes and said it

"Well, I, um... I like you" you blurted out, still with your eyes closed

"Wait, what?" exclaimed Tao "Are you serious?" 

"Well... yes?" you answered hesitantly "why?"

"Um, because I like you too! A lot!" he said

That caught you off guard now.

"Well then I have one more question" you said "Will you go out with me?"

"Are you kidding me?" said Tao sitting up "Yes! Of course!" 

Right then, you sat up too and kissed him. You smiled after pulling away

"Movies on Sunday?" he asked

"It's a date!" you smiled 

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