S1 E1: Lets Be Heroes

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Rena POV:

It was a regular Monday at P.O.I.N.T and I was just getting ready to go to work. I went into the bathroom to change my clothes and wash up. I wore an orange T-shirt with a picture of a fox on it, and some blue jeans. One thing that's tough about this part, is fitting your tail inside the pants. Me and mom would have to cut holes through in the bottom to let our tails breathe. Unnecessary information, anyway. After getting dressed I hoped in my shoes and left my room.

I headed for the kitchen to get something to eat on the way. I saw mom there making coffee and greeted her. "Hey Ma, I'm gonna take this to work see ya later" I said taking an apple from the basket next to Foxtail. "Good morning to you too" Foxtail said sarcastically. I headed for the door but my mom stopped me. "Hey, what's the rush? Don't have time to have breakfast with your mother" Foxtail asked. "No its not that I just really like to get to work early" I said. Foxtail chuckled "I see. Even though I don't completely like your choice of work, I like how committed you are to it. Go on" Foxtail said letting her go. "Thanks mom, I'll see you later" I said opening the door. Then suddenly she stopped me again. "Wait!!! Say hello to Carol for me alright" Foxtail said. "Ok mom goodbye" I said a bit annoyed. But then she stopped me for third time. "Wait!!! I love you" She said. I gave her a deadpan expression. "I love you too. Now goodbye" I said as I walked halfway out the door. "Wait!!!" She said stopping me for a fourth time. At this point I'm ready to snap. "What!!!" I shouted. Foxtail chuckled more. "I'm just messing with you, get outta here" Foxtail said. I grunted annoyed and left for work. Foxtail's smile quickly turn to a frown as she pulled out a blueprint from her pocket.

I spun my tail and took off into the sky. I love the feeling of flying through air, it's relaxing, awesome, and its a quick way to places. I flew up high until I saw a huge plaza below. I dived down then landed gracefully on my feet in style. This was "Lakewood Plaza Turbo", its where heroes from anywhere can acquire anything they need to become a great hero. My mom doesn't come here with me because she was always busy, and because she didn't like seeing my boss who is also an old friend of mine. Here at the plaza I work at store called "Gar's Bodega", owned by the one and only Mr. Gar. I was walking up to the store when I started hear my name mentioned in whispers. "Oh my gosh its her" "Wow dude that's Foxtail's daughter" "Its Rena!!" The voices said as kept walking. I turned around and saw like 10 people behind me asking for my autograph.

Being a child of a famous hero, of course you get a lot of attention. But sometimes that attention is unwanted. Ever since I worked here people have acknowledged my presence once a while, for another reason is because my pow card level is 8, which is pretty impressive but I don't gloat about it. After getting done with all ten people I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I turned around to see a woman big blonde hair and wearing a purple outfit and red headband. "Carol!!" I called in excitement. I ran over to her in under a second and hugged her, which she returned. "How are ya doing sweetie, how's your mom" Carol asked. I pulled away answered. "I'm good, mom's good, life's good. Can't complain" I said. "Mommy, you know her?" A little boy said next to Carol. "Yes this is Rena, I've known her since she was about your age" Carol said. "Hi Rena, I'm K.O, and I training to become a great hero" He said. "Aww that's cute. Anyway it was nice seeing you Carol but I gotta get to work. Gar is about to drop from the sky" I said as I walked away

That's Carol, we met about each other 6 to 11 years ago. She went by another name Silverspark, and she was a great friend. But enough about that, I gotta get to the bodega. I ran to the front entrance of the store and was greeted by two people. They were my two best employee work friends, Rad and Enid. "Sup Rena, ready to go to work" Rad said. Rad was a blue alien from the planet called "Planet X". Me and him both work as stock workers in the store. He's a big macho jock who thinks he's so amazing, but secretly he has soft spot for cats. "Yeah, totally. My tail is wagging with excitement" I said. "Yeah, I'd rather hang out here all day than work" Enid said on her phone. Enid is super cool ninja, she works at the register. I've actually known her since middle school, and don't tell anyone this which you probably won't, but she was my first crush and still is.

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