S1 E3: You're Everybody's Sidekick

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It was crowded day at the Bodega, about 15 people were piled up at Enid's counter. Enid glanced at the crowd of shoppers who were ready to purchase they're items. Unfortunately for them Enid put up a closed lane sign making everyone mad and leave the store. As the crowd disbanded, K.O was spotted standing up straight in front of the desk. "Helper K.O, reporting for duty" He said sticking his tongue out.

Enid chuckled. "At ease soldier. Helper K.O, YOUR FIRST MISSION, HEAR AT GARS, IS TOO, clean the store" Enid said pointing at a cleaning closet. I went up to the closet and opened it revealing all the cleaning equipment. "Wow, the ancient tools of cleaning the floor" K.O said. "It's just cleaning tools dude. Not that serious" I said. "Now go, save the store from the forces of dirt or something" Enid said making up a reason to clean the store.

K.O ran over to the closet and grabbed all the tools he needed. He put brushes on his feet, a mop in his hands, a broom on his back, and wore a mask over his mouth. "Dirt, today you breathe your last filthy breath!" K.O said running all around scrubbing the floor. "He's wearing the equipment like a costume. A bit much huh?" I said to Enid. "It's cute, I don't care as long as the store gets clean" Enid said looking at her phone.

An old woman came up to the counter holding her purse. "Dearie, can I pay for this in thousands of pennies?" She asked. I looked Enid who looked at me as she poofed away leaving a block of wood on the counter. "Sorry she's the one who works at the cash register. Plus better things to than count a thousand pennies" I said.

K.O finished up cleaning and ran back to Enid's desk. "All done, anything else I can help you with?" He asked. Enid thought for a moment then spotted a penny dish. "Go through this penny dish and take out everything that isn't a penny" She said pushing the dish towards K.O.. K.O excitingly digs through the dish throwing away everything non-penny. "You plan on picking all this up right?" I asked.

"You really like helping people, huh buddy?" Enid said. "Yep it's my job. Doesn't everyone feel that way" K.O asked. "Not everybody" I said picking the non-penny items off the floor. "Help people? Nope not for me. Too much work, too little payoff. I'm cool with just helping myself" Enid said going back her phone. Enid wasn't wrong, sometimes when you help someone they don't always show you the appreciation. But that's what happens to mostly every hero.

K.O put down the dish and inhaled deeply. "ENID I'M GOING TO HELP YOU!" He shouted shocking both of us. "Dude, just why?" I asked rubbing my left ear. "As a Helper at GARS Bodega, i'm going to help you see how great it is to help people!" K.O said pointing at Enid. It was silent for a moment as Enid stared quietly at K.O.. "Hear that, Enid? K.O's gonna help you become altruistic" I said smiling a little.

Enid's eyes turn ice blue. "You never melt my icy heart" She said coldly. I felt a chill up my spine when she said that. "Uh cool" I said blushing a little. "We'll see about that" K.O said. He launched himself through one the isles screeching. "Inside voices, lil man" I said walking away.

I hear the sound arguing from across the store. I look over and see two men bickering about something. I walked to them but then K.O bumped into me. "Sorry Rena" He apologized. "Kid just please stop ove-" I got cut off by K.O noticing the two men I was about to confront. "Helpful!" He said running up to them. I facepalmed myself and walked over to them.

The two men were at each other's throats. One was dressed in a military outfit and the other was dressed in robe. "We do it my way!" The military guy said. "I cannot, we have to do it my way" the robe one said. "Hey, is there a problem here?" I asked making them turn they're attention toward me. "Hi I'm K.O, I work here. It sounds like you gentlemen have some sort of a problem. Is there anything I can do to help" K.O said winking over at Enid.

Enid hissed at us and looked away. "Actually yes, we're trying to decide something" The military guy said. "What's up" I asked them. "I wish to do this thing non violently" The robe one said. "And I wanna do it, ultra violently!" The military guy said. "What is it you wanna do?" K.O asked. The military guy pulled out a jar of pickles. "Open this pickle jar" He said. "Ew gross. Sorry I hate pickles, K.O you take this one" I said grossed out.

OK KO: Let's Meet RenaWhere stories live. Discover now