S1 E6: You're Level 100!

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I was over at the pow card machine plugging it in. K.O. had just finished moping the floors and was coming over to test it out. He grabbed colewort, who was minding his own business, and slid him across the floor. He hit the wall slightly. "Yeah, not slick enough. Colewort should've crashed straight through that  Rad said. "Aw poop" K.O said sadly. "You gotta get your head in the game, K.O. I could give you some tips if you want" Rad offered. "No! A hero doesn't need help. I have to do this on my own" K.O said, squinting his eyes. "Ok, lone wolf. But you got a lot of floors to mop before you come close to being a hero" Rad said, crossing his arms.

"Maybe I already am a hero? I've been doing heroic stuff all week. Maybe I finally have a pow card" K.O said. "You know what, maybe you do, K.O. You might even be a level one. You should check the pow card machi-" Enid was cut off by K.O. speeding off to the machine.

I got finished inspecting the pow card machine, and it seemed to be in order. That's when K.O. popped out of nowhere. "Ooh Jeez. Where did you come from?" I asked, frightened. "Sorry, Rena. I didn't mean to scare you. I came to see if I have a pow card. Oh, please, please let me have one? " K.O. said, pulling out a quarter. He put it in, and the machine started to identify him. K.O's picture was shown on the screen and was about to print a card, but suddenly, the machine malfunctioned. "Huh, that's strange. Here, let me plug it out and in again to see if it'll work" I said, reaching for the plug. "No need. I'll show you a little trick" Rad said, which concerned me.

Rad backed up with K.O and faced the machine. "Ok K.O, tuck in your arm real tight, clench your butt, real back aaaannnnddd, give it a good SMACK!!!" Rad said as they both lunged at the machine and punched it. The machine then continued printing and working fine again. A card slid out, and K.O grabbed it. He flipped it over and was shocked at what he read. "I'm level 100?!" K.O said.

Rad came next to him, surprised. "Did you say you were level 100?!" Rad asked, looking at the card. Before I could say anything, very quickly, everyone heard what was going on, and came over to us. "Hold on a second, this doesn't make sense. There's no way you could be level 100" I said. "Uh yes, way" K.O said back. "Oh yeah, well then show us your pow card then" Drupe said, unconvinced.

K.O held it up for everyone to see, and we all couldn't believe it, especially me. "That's like, a way higher level than anyone in the plaza. Even Mr. Gar" Brandon said, stunned. "Yeah, you're right, I'm more powerful than well, everyone" K.O said. "I just don't understand it. What if this is just a gli-" I was cut off by Enid. "I always knew you'd do great things, kid. I'm so proud of you" Enid said lightly, nudging K.O's arm. "Ok but-" I was cut off again by Rad. "Can I get you anything K.O? Soda, Snacks, you want me to wash your car?" He asked. "I don't have a car" K.O said a bit confused. "Then take mine! Only the best for you, my level 100 friend" Rad said, handing K.O his car keys. I looked at this whole thing in disbelief. "What is happening right now?" I said to myself.

A little while later, everyone gathered outside as a newscaster named Dynamite Watkins dramaticly enters the plaza. "This is Dynamite Watkins coming at you live from the heart of the neutral zone. We're here in front of Gar's Bodega, where a crowd has gathered to see the newcomer hero with a power level of 100. And here is he himself, K.O. How does it feel being the most powerful being in the plaza, possibly THE WORLD!!!!" She asked K.O. "Well I always knew I'd be a great hero some day, but I didn't think it would happen after only a week. Guess I'm just that good" K.O said, smirking. I rolled my eyes at those last words. "And how do your friends and family feel about this knew found power of yours?" Watkins asked.

Enid and Rad were pushing people out of the way to get to us. "Not to brag, but me and K.O go back to the beginning of the week. NBD" Enid said. "And I sorta asked like K.O's best friend/life coach/older brother figure. We're really close" Rad said, squinting his eyes. "You only known him for a week" I said, shaking my head. "Ms. Foxtail, I would love to hear about your thoughts on this matter as well" Watkins said pointing her microphone at me. "Look I, uh he, the card, I don't, I just, I don't under-" I was cut off by Watkins. "Speechless! Incredible!" She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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