S1 E5: Jethro's All Yours

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MyI was cracking my knuckles about to get ready for a game, me and the others play. I'm not a total fan of it, but I still participate. It was called Hoedown. Basically, we just make instruments with our bodies. Like an impromptu of some kind. We all took turns mimicking instruments, then it was K.O's turn, and he just decided to clap.

"Yeah! That was our best impromptu hoedown" K.O. said, smiling. "Yeah, definitely, can we play something else?" I asked.

Suddenly, the bodega alarm went off, making everyone in the store panic. "It's Lord Boxman, everyone to battle stations. This is not a drill, Go!" Enid shouted. We ran out of the store and got ready to fight. "Cheese and Crackers" K.O said randomly.

In front of them came a small blue robot that started rolling toward them at a slow pace. "I Am Jethro" It spoke. "Aw man, it's just stinkin' Jethro" Rad said. "I have got to fix that alarm" Enid said, walking back into the store. K.O looked at the robot confusingly. "I don't get it. What's a stinkin' Jethro?" He asked. "It's just like Boxman's weakest and non-violent robots. All he does is move forward and that's it. I don't know what Boxman is thinking bringing this guy out to fight" I said, gesturing to the robot.

"He's waste of time, I'm going back to not doing work" Rad said, walking back in the store. "So we're not going to thrash him?" K.O asked. "You can. Let me know when he actually becomes a challenge" I said, walking into the store. "Yeah, Jethro's perfect for you. He's simple, and your simple" Rad said.

K.O was left alone to fight Jethro, who was still coming toward him slowly. "All right, Jethro. You asked for this and now your gonna get it!" K.O. said, preparing to fight. "I Am Jethro" Jethro said. "Not for long" K.O. said, lunging at the small robot.

K.O. started throwing punches and kicks, kicks and punches, and headbutts and punches, and kicks and headbutts. Basically, he was just beating the crap out of Jethro until he finally fell apart. "Ha, and so my journey continues" K.O said, walking back to the store. But just then in the distance, five more Jethro's came rolling toward the plaza. "Brought your friends this time, eh" K.O said turning to them. "I Am Jethro" All the Jethro said at once. "Wait, so you're all Jethro. That doesn't make SENSE!!!" K.O said.

He ran up to them, kicking and punching the first two. Then he jumped on the last three, destroying them. "Whew, I didn't realize becoming a hero meant sweating so much" K.O said to himself.

I came out the door to check on K.O, since it's been over 5 minutes. "Hey K.O, you ok? You should be done by now" I said, calling to him. "I am, Jethro brought his unexpected friends, but I don't worry, I took care of them. Forever" K.O said proud of himself. I look behind, and my eyes widen to see a much bigger Jethro coming toward the plaza. "I think Jethro just called his big brother on you" I said, pointing to the robot. K.O saw this and frowned. "I don't get it. He just keeps coming" K.O said.

He then remembered what Rad said to him earlier. "Jethro's perfect for you. He's simple, and you're simple. Simple, simple, simple" K.O crushed up the thought. "I'll show you simple, you meany" He said, frustrated. "Hey, kid. Big robot rolling toward the plaza" I said. K.O snapped out of it and ran over to destroy it, but as he did, his foot was about to reach Jethro but stopped in mid air. "I just can't do it. Do you know what my friend, Rad says about us? That we're simple. Is that how Boxman treats you, like some kid, like you're not worth anything? Do people underestimate you too?" K.O asked Jethro.

"I Am Jethro" Jethro responded. "Well, I'm K.O, and maybe my Rad is right. You and I are a lot alike. So I don't think I can clobber you" K.O said, looking down. When Jethro was about to touch K.O's foot, I came down from the sky and crushed Jethro. "And clobbered. Come on, K.O, let's go" I said grabbing him from mid air. "Poop" K.O pouted.

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