je te laisserai des mots> Patrick watson

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Wednesday morning

Thalia was sitting on the same table as yesterday waiting for the same person she has really grown fond of lizzie

"Hi" lizzie says as she approaches Thalia's table "hi" Thalia says and closed her book like always "I have a question" lizzie says sitting down next to Thalia they we're really comfortable with each other "yeah shoot" Thalia says and raised her hand calling Jace over "do you work here cause when I'm here you're always sitting an sometimes you're at the counter" lizzie asks "oh I'm the owner of this shop" Thalia says as she has said many times before "really" lizzie says sounding a bit surprised but not a lot "it really suits you" lizzie said smiling you can see a sort of calmness when she's around Thalia "yes boss" Jace says when he approached the table "can you make me another tea, what would you like lizzie" Thalia asks looking at her "oh a iced coffee would be great thank you" lizzie says and Jace walks back to the counter and starts working on their order "what do you do" Thalia asks "um I'm a actress" lizzie says not finding it in her self to lie to Thalia "wow, what kind of movies have you worked in" Thalia asks "um, wind river is one of the most recent one's" she says and Thalia looks at her for a while, after looking at Lizzie's features she smiles "I love that movie and it's amazing I'm very glad that I got to know the Elizabeth olsen" Thalia says and puts her hand out and lizzie shakes her hand and smiles "and it's good to know you too the great Thalia" lizzie says and they both start laughing "no but seriously I didn't know it was you until now" Thalia says and hides her face in her hands "this is so embarrassing I've been watching you're movies since Martha Marcy may Marlene and I couldn't even recognize you" Thalia says and lizzie grabs her hand "it's alright I'm actually glad you didn't recognize me" lizzie says smiling and Thalia looks up and smiles at her back "here are you're orders" Jace said and places the ice coffee and the orange tea on the round table "thank you" lizzie said smiling and Jace smiles back

"Will you come back tonight" Thalia asks after a while of talking with lizzie "yeah of course, I want to try that drink again" lizzie said standing up "I have to go but I'll see you tonight" lizzie says and opens her hands slightly indicating that she wanted a hug "great" Thalia says smiling widely and stands up to hug lizzie "bye I'll see you tonight" lizzie says and grabs her sunglasses and hat then waves goodbye to Thalia and Thalia waves back smiling widely " boss can you come help me" Jace asks and Thalia turns to look at him "yeah sure" Thalia says and walks behind the counter and grabs her apron the starts taking orders

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