high above> Austin farwell

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At night 7pm 1 hour before the shop closes

Thalia hears the bell of the shop rings she looks up from behind the counter to see the person she's been waiting for "lizzie" Thalia says smilingly and walks to her "Thalia" lizzie says smiling and the hug tightly "come sit" Thalia says and points at the back of the shop where she always sits "how was your day" Thalia says "uh tiering someone kept on forgetting their lines" lizzie says as she sits down and smiles "that must have been angering" Thalia says and sits next to lizzie "how was you're day" lizzie asks putting her arm on the table and leans on her hand while looking at Thalia "It was okay to say the least there wasn't a lot of people today but still enough to keep me busy" Thalia says looking at lizzie smiling "what" Thalia asks "you are so pretty" lizzie says and smiles at Thalia "you are too" Thalia says shying away

After a while

"Bye" Thalia says to the last costumers  and walks to the table where lizzie is sitting texting someone on her phone "hey you still up for my special drink" Thalia says and chuckles "yeah of course" lizzie says putting her phone away and puts all her attention on Thalia, lizzie stands up and the both walk to the small side bar Thalia stands behind the counter and lizzie stands Infront "sweet sunrise coming right up" Thalia says and grabs the things she needs and starts making the drink for her "okay question" lizzie says and Thalia looks up from what she's doing "yeah" Thalia says "I have a party that I need to go to and I have a plus one would you maybe if you want to, go to the party with me" lizzie asks shyly "yeah of course" Thalia says after a minute of thinking "great it's this Friday at one of my friends house I'll come pick you up at like 8" lizzie says and Thalia stares at her weirdly while smiling "and how will you pick me up" Thalia asks "you'll text me the address of course" lizzie says smiling weirdly at Thalia back "well what if I don't want to disclose that information" Thalia says jokingly "well we could always meet up at the coffee shop" lizzie says leaning a bit towards Thalia "hmm yeah" Thalia says leaning in too while quickly looking at Lizzie's lips then in her eyes and she caught lizzie staring at her lips too but everything was interrupted by Lizzie's phone rigging "ah sorry" lizzie says and grabs her phone to see who the caller is Thalia looks at lizzie as she turns her back to Thalia, she lightly hits her head while think about how stupid she is to think that anything could happen between her and lizzie

"hey sorry I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow right" lizzie asks "yeah" Thalia says and walks from behind the counter her and lizzie hug again "bye" lizzie says as a car pulls up Infront of the coffee shop "bye" Thalia says and waves goodbye

After lizzie leaves she checks if  everything is okay then she locks the shop, she walks to her car and drives home

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