The night we met> Lord huron

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It was around 8 o'clock as the last costumer went through the shops door "Jace you can go home" Thalia said putting the last glass on the rack "are you sure boss, you don't need me for anything else" he asked "yeah I'm sure, you can go" she said and took off her apron "okay I'll see you tomorrow, bye" Jace said and walked out of the store meeting lizzie as he came out "oh hey Liz she's in there" he said walking away

"Hey" lizzie said walking through the coffee shops door "hello" Thalia said dryly "please sit" Thalia says pointing to the chair "what did you want to talk about" Thalia asked as lizzie sat down "why did you ignore my texts and calls" lizzie said getting right to the point "why didn't you tell me you we're ingaged" Thalia questioned back as she dries some cups with a towel "I thought we we're friends" Thalia said getting frustrated "we are" lizzie says quickly "then why didn't you tell me you we're ingaged, look it's not even that you're ingaged it's the fact that I had to find out from the internet instead of from you" Thalia says putting the cup back to it's place "are you just gonna stay quiet the whole time" Thalia asked after a few minutes of waiting for Lizzie's answer "I don't know, okay, I don't know why I didn't tell you" lizzie says her voice growing louder "but you didn't answer my text either" lizzie says "why is that a big deal I was fucking busy" Thalia raises her voice too "oh don't lie, you couldn't have been that busy to not text me" lizzie says "fuck it, you really want to know why I didn't text you back" Thalia asks "yes entirely" lizzie says back "my parents died, in a car crash, I wasn't very close to them but the fact that the last thing I said to them was that I hated them has been on my mind through those weeks, so sorry if I didn't answer you're fucking text, ugh I should have just stayed back there" Thalia says and lizzie visibly softens "are you okay" lizzie asks forgetting all bout the fight and focusing on the most important person in her life "no I'm not okay, I don't know how to process this I didn't even cry yet, I think I'm just going through shock or something, but, I don't know" Thalia says and sighs rubbing her hand on her face "want to talk about it" Lizzie asked "no, but I do want to talk about what happened between us" Thalia says her whole mood changing "what do you mean" lizzie looked away from her "remember that one night when I invited you to come in and we almost kissed" Thalia asked and walked closer to lizzie "I-" lizzie couldn't get anything out "do I even mean anything to you" Thalia asked stopping Infront of lizzie and crossing her arms "what- of course you do" lizzie said quickly "then kiss me" she said "what" lizzie was baffled to say the least "kiss me right here right now" Thalia said stepping a bit closer to lizzie and lizzie backed up "hey" they heard from the distance before either of them could fantom what could happen Thalia got a punch straight in her face "Robbie what the hell" lizzie said pushing him "she was threatening you" he said "she didn't-" they suddenly heard a laugh "is that all you could throw, you're weak" she said grabbing him by his collar showing the clear difference in their hight "I hate men like you" she said dropping him, Robby couldn't even catch himself out of fear "don't ever come back here, the both of you" Thalia said and walked behind the counter "Thalia please come on let's just talk about this" lizzie said following her "no, I'm done with this" Thalia said point between them "leave and don't you ever dare show either of you're faces in this coffee shop or even near me ever again" Thalia said calmly "Thalia please don't do this" lizzie begged "leave" Thalia said but lizzie didn't buge "leave" Thalia said louder scaring lizzie "I'm sorry" Lizzie said walking backwards "there is nothing to apologize, I'm done with whatever this was, goodbye Elizabeth"

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