the night we met> lord Huron

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'ugh how could I be so stupid' Thalia thinks to herself as she entered her car 'of cours a girl like her has a boyfriend and now that boyfriend turned into a fiance, what the hell was I thinking falling for a girl like that' Thalia thinks again as she sighs and starts her car and drives to her home

Thalia opens the door of her house and takes off her shoes she sighs at the lonelyness that engulfed her house and herself 'of course she wants to talk to you never texted her back she just wants an answer, that's why she wants to talk' Thalia thinks as she takes off her coat shoes and scarf and hangs them on her hanger and puts her shoes in a corner she walks to her living room and flops down on her couch 'what the hell am I doing to my self' Thalia thinks to herself as she slowly brushes her hand on her wrist feeling the old scars that were left there 'i should have stayed, back there, back home it would have been better' she thinks and she feels herself getting less and less emotional it was a really bad coping mechanism she had, to block out all her emotions when she felt too emotional 'hmm' Thalia though to herself as she puts her hands on her eyes and sighs again she grabs her phone from her pocket to look at what lizzie sent last

Coffee shop girl ❤️: did I do something wrong why won't you answer me

She read and turns her phone off almost throwing it at her wall angry at herself for letting lizzie feel bad that she didn't text back 'why do I do this to myself every single time' she thought and sighs again she stands up and walks to her bedroom putting her phone down to charge and sits on her bed laying down and just stares at her ceiling suddenly she stands up and goes to the mirror and looks at herself she looks closely to all her features 'what can I do' she thinks to her self and walks to her bed looking at a picture of herself and lizzie smiling she walks closer to it picks it up and slams it to the ground then she punches her wall multiple times until her hands started to bleed 'im gonna need stitches' she thought to herself while looking at her bleeding hand without any emotion she walks to her bathroom and pours some alcohol on her wound and applies some oitment on her wound then wraps it up not too tight she walks to her room and picks up the picture of her and lizzie and puts it back on her table then she grabs a broom and brooms them and then picks them up to throw away she walks back to her bedroom she sits on the bed and grabs the picture and looks at it and smiles sadly 'im sorry Lizzie' she thought and grabbed her phone

Favorite person🥰: let's meet up tomorrow at closing ours at the coffee shop

Thalia texted lizzie and then goes to sleep but not without some discomfort

She wakes up in the morning takes a bath and changes her band aid and drives to her shop and Jace Is waiting there 'he's early' Thalia thought as she opens the shop "morning boss" he says and noticed Thalia's hand "morning Jace, how are you" she asked and opened the doors to her coffee shop "I'm doing great but are you okay" he asked pointing at her hand "yeah im fine, just an accident" she says shaking her hurt hand "don't worry I'll be able to work so no need to fuss" she said and pats his head and  smiles the smile didn't reach her eyes "okay if you say so" he says not believing her completely

It was now 12 o'clock and there we're a lot of people there at the coffee shop she kept herself busy even though her hand hurt a bit she stopped focusing and just focused on her work she just wanted today to be over even though it just begone "boss you're hand" Jace says and Thalia turns her hand to look at it it had blood stains on it "can you get Blake to cover for me so I can redo my bandage" Thalia asked and Jace nods Blake was one of the other workers there "thanks" she says and walks to the bathroom

"Oh hey lizzie" Jace says as she walks in "hey Jace is Thalia around" she asks looking at the back "yeah she's here just in the bathroom" he says and she nods "okay I'll just wait for her at that table" she says pointing at one if the empty tables "okay, want to order anything" he asked "yeah the same please" she said and Jace nods

Thalia has came back from the bathroom after redoing her her bandage "hey Lizzie's here, she asked if you're around" Jace said and he could see that Thalia's already bad mood turned into a worse mood "thanks" she said and walk to the table were lizzie was

"Hey" lizzie said when she saw Thalia walking to her noticing her bandaged hand "is you're hand okay" lizzie asked and Thalia puts her hand behind her back as fast as she could "yeah I'm fine thanks for asking" she said giving her best fake smile that she could muster "come on let me look at it" lizzie says taking Thalia's hand in hers "don't-" Thalia says a bit angry but seeing Lizzie's face go from happy to sad she cleared her throat and calmed her nerves down "my hand is okay see" Thalia said and moved her hand around for lizzie to see "it's just a little scratch nothing to worry about" she said but Lizzie still seem concerned "anyways will you stay here until 8pm or will you be coming back" Thalia asked keeping her voice calm "I'll come back around 8 I have some things to do today" lizzie said and smiled a little "okay, I'll see you then" Thalia said and walked away 'the faster we get this over with the better'

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