Roslyn> bon iver

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Elizabeth Olsen just got proposed to!! Nobody saw that coming

Click here to see the wholesome video of boyfriend now fiance Robbie Arnette proposing to Elizabeth olsen
Aren't they cute

movies fans think Elizabeth Olsen should do after the MCU

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a week later

The bell of the coffee shop rang just like it always did every morning but this time the right person came through it

"Boss you're back" Jace says "hey yes I'm back" she says and Jace walks out of the counter and hugs her tightly she was taken a back but regained her balance and tapped his back with one arm and coughs "anyways, can you make me my regular please" she says and he lets go of her quickly "orange tea coming right up" he says and starts walking away "wait I changed my mind can you get me a coffee, black, thanks" she says rubbing her eyes with her thumb and index finger "okay" Jace says looking at her weirdly she never orders coffee especially not black "I'll be sitting at the same place as always" she says and walks to the far end of the coffee shop she sighs as she sits down she takes her scarf off it was a special scarf lizzie had bought it for her when they went out shopping it's was a golden scarf very thick and kept you warm on cold days

She folded the scarf and put it neatly on the table she grabs a book from her bag it was a different one she usually reads this one for comfort when she's feeling down, she misses lizzie but she doesn't text her to come meet her Thalia thinks that lizzie is probably enjoying a morning with her soon to be husband, her face visibly frowns

A few days ago she had learned that lizzie got engaged trough social media she was kinda sad that lizzie didn't tell her herself she thought that they were close but she guessed she was wrong 'it's best if I keep my distance' she thought 'then my heart won't break every time that I look at her or see that ring on her finger'

"Coffee black" Jace says putting the coffee cup on the table "thanks" she says and sets her book down "boss are you okay" Jace asks sincerely "yeah I'm okay" she says it had become a routine for her to answer that to the same question over and over again "really because you just ordered a coffee black and you never order that" Jace asks concerned about Thalia "yeah Jace it's okay I'm fine" she says getting a bit anoyed by his questions "okay boss if you say so" he says and turns to walk back but was met with someone "oh hey lizzie, same order" Jace asks and goes behind the counter "yeah thanks, um question did Thalia Arive yet because she hasn't been answering my text or calls" lizzie says a bit hurt but doesn't let it show "yeah she's right there" Jace says and points to the table without looking "we're she's not there" Jace asks and looks up "she was there just a few seconds ago" he says and walks to the table and lizzie walks with him too "see her things are here" he says pointing to the book and scarf on the table "maybe she went to the bathroom" Jace says "anyways the same order as always right" he asks and lizzie nods

As Jace walks away lizzie looks at the golden scarf that she had bought for Thalia and smiles to herself happy that she wears the scarf she sits down next to Thalia's things and waits patiently for Thalia to come out of the bathroom

'stupid, stupid, stupid ugh why did I do that' Thalia thinks to herself she pulls herself together and walks to the table were lizzie is sitting "Thalia" lizzie says excited "hey sorry can't stay I have a emergency" Thalia says grabbing her things "wait can we talk" lizzie asks desperately "I can't right now sorry" Thalia says avoiding lizzie after grabbing her things "please Thalia can we talk please" lizzie says even more desperately with tears on the brink of falling "okay, but not today, I can't today maybe tomorrow" Thalia says seeing the tears in her eyes Thalia wanted to cry too "okay, tomorrow" lizzie says repeating her words "can you at least answer my text" lizzie says and Thalia nods and  walks away leaving lizzie there standing 'what did I do' lizzie thinks to herself as she sits down 'is she avoiding me' she thinks again and looks at the table and sees Thalia's order she looks at it closer and realizes that it was coffee 'coffee? She never orders coffee' lizzie says and stands up and walks to the counter "Jace, is Thalia okay" lizzie asks and Jace shrugs "I don't know she's never acted like this, she even ordered a coffee black" Jace says and sighs "she doesn't usually order coffee black does she" lizzie asks "no, not ever even if she was sad, I don't know what happened to her in the week she was away, but she came back like a different person, I'm kind of scared" Jace says and bits his nails "can you talk to her see if she's okay" he asks lizzie "that's what I'm trying to do, she keeps shutting me out, I don't know what to do" lizzie says dragging her hand trough her hair "she said we would talk tomorrow" Lizzie says trying to give Jace and herself some hope "that's good please tell me if anything comes up" Jace says and sighs again "I will, I have to go now but I'll see you tomorrow"  lizzie says saying good bye to Jace and walks out of the coffee shop

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