Chapter 3: Hesitance

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Khushi Kumari Gupta had never felt such awe ever before.

Her lips involuntarily curve to form an unabashed smile at the sight before her. Arnav lay sleeping with his head rested on the edge of her bed, his hand entwined with hers. She shifts slightly to get a better view of his unawakened face. His usually rugged features are softened to seem almost childlike, his hair falling to his eyes, as if shielding him away. She feels her smile broaden as the sight of him, looking so serene, so peaceful, she's afraid to catch her breath. Her sparkling, hazel eyes look down, her heart leaping at the way his hand clasps onto hers in a close, tender hold.

I never realized how cute Laad Governor looks when he sleeps, she thinks, deciding that she likes him better this way than his usual demeanor of looking all angry and annoyed.

A sudden twinge then shoots to her head, causing a gasp of pain to leave her lips.

"Ah!" Her other hand goes to her forehead, touching it.

The sound reaches Arnav's ears and he wakes up almost instantly, rubbing his eyes to rid sleep. Looking up he finds Khushi sitting on the bed with her head to her knees, grabbing onto the sheets, evidently in pain.

"Khu-Khushi?" He reaches over to her, touching her shoulders. Just seeing her go through this made his own chest ache with agony.

She starts to relax as the twinge slowly ebbs away in its own time. Sinking back onto the bed, her head touches the pillow as Arnav pulls the blanket over her.

Her eyelids open to reveal the luster inside, gazing directly at his worried features. When had he become so caring, so gentle, so compassionate? Where is the man who reminded her of her class, the one who picked fights with her?

"Aap theek hai?" (Are you alright?) Comes her meek voice, confusion laced with the question.

Arnav's eyebrows knot in utter bewilderment. "What the?!"

She's the one who is just recovering from a car accident and she's asking if HE'S fine?

"Yes, I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" He snaps irritatedly, reassuring her of the Laad Governor she knew.

Arnav sits on the chair by her bed, his gaze suddenly shifting into something she can't quite pinpoint. He looks to her and his eyes seem to scream, yet his mouth stays sealed. After a few moments of silence he speaks again.

"Tum theek ho?" (Are you alright?)

There we go again, she sighs, melting at the familiar and yet so unfamiliar tenderness in his tone.

"I'm alright, it's just that... my head hurts a lot,"

"I'll take care of that my dear," An elderly woman enters, pushing a cart filled with medical equipment and medicine.

Arnav nods to her politely and Khushi stares on, confused, as the woman sits next to her on the bed.

"I'm Mrs. D'Souza. I'll be your nurse for the next few weeks, darling,"

The woman's kind eyes assure Khushi and she smiles at her nurse, nodding.

"It is time to put on a fresh bandage for your leg," The nurse says, reaching for the cart. When he doesn't budge, she looks at Arnav questioningly. Realizing the situation he walks out of the room awkwardly, slightly unsettled.

The nurse has to put on fresh bandages on Khushi, which means the exposure of skin. I shouldn't be allowed to watch that... it's not like I'm her husband.

The thought becomes a wistful wish, before he shakes it away.

Khushi watches him leave, turning to her nurse.

"Mrs. D'Souza, could you tell me what exactly happened? I don't quite remember,"

"You were in a car accident, my dear. You and Mr. Nandakishore,"

"Hey Devi Maiyya, how is Nanheji? I mean- Nandakishore ji? Is he okay?"

"He is doing well, just got a cast and crutches. A jolly fellow that one," Mrs. D'Souza laughs as she wraps the bandage around her leg.

Khushi smiles in agreement. Securing the bandage in place she stands up, putting the materials and medicine away on the cart. "Although, this young lad is quite adamant. Last night I told him I am here, so he can go home and get some sleep, but he simply refused to leave. He sat here in this room by your side all night taking care of you,"

Khushi can't believe her ears, looking at Arnav through the small opening of the curtains.

Why had he stayed with her all night?

As the nurse walks away with the cart, she looks back at Khushi, smiling so her wrinkled eyes shine bright, "If you need anything, I'll be right here Ms. Gupta,"

"Mrs. D'Souza?"


"Please call me Khushi,"

"Okay dear. I mean- Khushi."

The two laugh and then she leaves, before Khushi sees Arnav's pacing figure in the hallway. A sudden urge to call out to him comes to her, when right then, Arnav comes rushing in.

"You called?"

Her jaw drops, unable to comprehend how he possibly sensed her to this extent.

"I just... I have a question," She decides to muster up the courage and ask him, disregarding his reaction or the consequences.

"Sure. What is it?" Arnav walks close to her bed.

"Why did you stay here all night?" The question is asked in one breath before she can stop herself.

Arnav stays silent, stupefied. What can he say to her when he doesn't know the answer himself?

"Because- because I wanted to!"

"But why? The nurse and the doctors were all here, and I was unconscious. You didn't have to stay. Why did you then?"

Despite not raising her voice to the slightest her words demanded a response, her gaze begged for the truth.

"Why Arnav ji? Why does it matter to you? It was my accident, my pain. Aapko kyun farak padhta hai? Why does it matter to you?"

Arnav walks closer, unable to do anything but yell, a defense mechanism he had mastered over the years.

"Mujhe farak padhta hai! It matters to me! YOU MATTER TO ME!"

"Kyun?" (Why?)

"KYUNKI-" (Because-)

A heavy silence fills the room as two tormented hearts search each other's stormed gazes for an answer.


A/N: A slightly different take on how this scene would've played out if the accident actually occurred. Hope you guys are enjoying the story.

– Rain

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