Chapter 10: Horizon

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Usually in a situation like this, Khushi would be pacing back and forth in her room. It's a different scenario now, with braces on her legs keeping her put on the bed. She thinks back to yesterday, how she went to lunch with Arnav, how everything was perfect, how he was about to confess his feelings... and how she finally gathered the courage to reveal the truth that's been eating her away for months.

"Shyamji is not who you think he is."

He had been confused, annoyed even, at why she was suddenly bringing up his brother in law in the middle of him baring his heart. She could see the shock, the disbelief, the rage within his eyes, but she knew she had to tell him the complete truth. Khushi had expected him to yell at her for conjuring up lies, or stomp out of the restaurant without a word.

But he did the exact opposite.

He believed her entirely, even though he could have easily spurned it, could have dismissed the vile idea that his sister has been getting cheated on by her own husband and he couldn't do a thing to protect her.

He had put on a brave face despite the storm of emotions in his mind, had told her that her family can finally disclose the truth and do not have anything to worry about, and that he will come to talk to them and reassure them in person.

Khushi had imagined several reactions to Arnav finding out the truth, but this was far from what she had expected. It's true, she thinks, he doesn't seem like the same Arnav ji she was used to. Ever since her accident, he had become much more patient, more aware of his own feelings and others' perspectives. And the veil that was once in his eyes whenever he looked at her, the one that seemed to be hiding his real self, was no longer present. Now, whenever he looked at her, his eyes carried uninhibited warmth.

Her phone lights up and starts ringing, drawing her attention.

Arnav ji calling.

"Hello, Khushi? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. How are you?" Stupid question. How does she expect him to be feeling after all that's happened?

"Alright. I'm coming over to your house in an hour."

Suddenly she realizes what's about to happen. She wonders if this is the right step. Should her family get involved?

A few moments of silence go by.


Her and her family not only know of, but have experienced what Shyam ji is capable of. If they don't support the truth, it'll be difficult to expose him to the Raizadas and especially Di.

She answers, her voice resolute.

"Okay. I'll be waiting,"

She can picture him nod but before he cuts the call, the question rolls out of her tongue.

"Arnav ji? Why did you believe me?"

"Khushi... I trust you. I know I terribly misjudged you when we first met, and I... I was wrong to do so. I know who you are, Khushi,"

She lets out a shaky breath, that simple sentence stirring her.

I know who you are.

He believes her because he sees her for who she is. Something about that moves her to tears, especially after all they've been through.

"Thank you," is all she softly manages to say. She can feel his slight smile through the phone.

"I'll see you in a bit."

"Payalia! Get the door bitiya!"

"Yes Buaji!"

Arnav greets Payal's surprised face as she opens the door, managing a small smile and nod.

"Arnav bitwa?" Garima ushers him in, requesting him to have a seat and asking if he'd like some tea.

"Actually, I'm here to speak with you all," He pauses to look at Khushi, who's been standing silently by the kitchen ever since he stepped inside. She gives him a reassuring nod, and he continues. "It would be better if we all sat down."

Confused, Buaji and Garima slowly make their way towards the seating area, as Payal wheels her father intoto the living room.

He decides not to beat around the bush.

"Khushi told me about Shyam."

Immediate panic flits across their faces, worried that Arnav might have interpreted the situation wrong.

"Please don't worry, I know the Gupta family have done nothing wrong," He is soon to assure them, "Khushi told me everything, starting from Lucknow, how he made his way into your lives, as a paying guest, as Khushi's fiancé... every disgusting thing he's done."

The Guptas look at Khushi questioningly, their gazes fleeting back to Arnav.

"We are so sorry Babua-"

"Please don't apologize-"

"No," Payal says, "We should have told the Raizadas earlier, we didn't and we truly regret that," Her voice quivering, she continues. "We thought Shyam ji would change if we cut off our ties with him, we didn't want to cause Di any pain..." She trails off, wiping a tear. Shashi squeezes his daughter's hand that rests on his shoulder.

"I understand. The important thing is that now I know, and I need your help to reveal Shyam's truth to everyone else."

They nod, still taking it all in. Arnav realizes their underlying fear, reassuring them once again.

"Nothing will happen to Payal and Akash's engagement. They will get married, I'll make sure of that."

Shashi raises his arm, his hand shaking as he rests it on Arnav's head. Still standing by the kitchen, Khushi smiles through her tears.


After taking their leave, Arnav makes his way to his car, when he hears her call out to him from behind.

He turns around to find her walking towards him in her crutches and without a thought, he goes to help steady her.

"Tum theek ho?" (Are you okay?)

"Hum theek hai." (I am.)

"Arnav ji..." She wants to say so much to him, but words aren't enough.

He waits for her, his eyes searching her inscrutable ones, his hands still around her shoulders.

She inches closer to him, his scent enveloping her senses. Overcome with emotion, her right hand touches his cheek as her lips hug his other cheek, her fingers brushing the stubble on his skin.

His heart beats out of his chest, helpless in front of this woman who controls and reigns his being.

The memory of him kissing her cheek, then her kissing his cheek in a hurried, accidental frenzy passes through both of their minds.

This time, she took her time to convey all that she wanted to say to him through this one innocent action, letting him know that this was anything but accidental.

"Thank you. For everything," Khushi whispers, her lips still by his cheek, her voice echoing in his ears.

He looks at her as she moves away and gazes at him, wanting to do so much, realizing that this probably isn't the time or place, albeit a part of him uncaring of the fact.

He restrains himself given her family is inside waiting for her, opting to gently squeeze her hand and trace her palm instead in response.

"Goodnight, Khushi." With that he forces himself to walk away from her, getting into his car.

She looks up at the sky, briefly admiring the full moon night before watching him drive away.


A/N: Nothing to say except looking forward to your thoughts :)

- Rain

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