Chapter 6: Hazard

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Khushi admires the vibrant, delicate roses for a few long moments, unaware of the faint smile adorning her lips. The inviting aroma of the Chinese noodles and stir fried vegetables begs to be devoured but she effortlessly refrains, deciding to only eat with him present.

Minutes go by. Arnav ji should be arriving soon, she thinks, the hospital is not much far from Shantivan.

A soft knock on the door. Her beaming, smiling lips open to form a greeting when suddenly her features still at the sight before her, the smile vanishing.

"Khushi ji..."

"Aap?!" (You?!) She manages, straightening on the hospital bed, her nerves painfully alert.

"I was passing by... I thought to come and visit you-"

Just the sound of his voice sends shivers down her spine.

"Why are you here? You-"

"Please Khushi ji, listen to me," Shyam makes his way to the bed, his steps fervent, almost crazed. "When I found out about the accident I got so worried for you. Believe me, Khushi ji, I kept thinking about you and wanted to see if you were alright," He croaked, moving further to sit on the bed when her glare halts him.

"Don't you dare come closer. You should listen to the vile words you are saying right now. And yet you feel not an ounce of shame," Khushi's mouth twists in disgust as she turns away from him.

"You don't understand-"

"Please, leave me alone," The rage inside her quickly ebbs away under the heaviness of distress.

Shyam wipes the beads of sweat from his forehead, his gestures laced with exasperation. With every passing second in his presence Khushi feels the unease pumping through her veins, her skin burning, her head leaden from the doses of medication given to her just a few hours ago. To her relief he walks out of the room soon after, leaving her panting for breath. She can feel her senses start to mute all awareness, her eyelids shutting close on their own accord. The last thing she hears before darkness consumes her mind is the sound of Arnav's voice, faint but rich.


"Khushi? Khushi dear," Mrs. D'Souza lightly shake's her limp shoulders carefully while checking the reading on the monitor as the cuff tightens and loosens around Khushi's arm.

The tightening sensation wakes her slightly, her eyelids opening only to flutter close again, unable to withstand the brightness of white hospital bulbs.

"What does the reading say, nurse?"

"Ninety by fifty, Dr. Patel,"

Khushi's eyelids open once again, but this time she closes them momentarily only to blink. "What... what happened?"

"You fainted, my dear. Your blood pressure is awfully low," Mrs. D'Souza replies sympathetically.

Her hand goes up to her aching head, understanding why everything seems so disorderly in her mind. And then her gaze is pulled to where Dr. Patel stands with a stethoscope around his neck, quietly explaining something she cannot quite hear to the only person who can calm her down at a time like this.

"Arnav ji," She calls out with need, still recovering from the blackout.

"Right here," He immediately makes his way to her side, instinctively taking her hand in his.

"Where were you? I was waiting," A sudden surge of emotions flood within her, the unforgotten memory of facing Shyam alone eliciting irrepressible tears.

"Hey, I'm here now. Please- please don't cry, Khushi," He hushes, his heart constricting when she holds his hand tighter. "Seems like I can never let you out of my sight, huh?" He softly chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.

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