Chapter 18: Head Over Heels

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"Anjali bitiya, now that NK bitwa will handle finding out Khushi bitiya's feelings with his plan, we need to execute a plan of our own for Chhote,"

Anjali nods enthusiastically. "Yes, Nani! After all, we need to know whether the fire is burning on both sides,"

Devyani winks. "Ready, bitiya?"

"Ready, Nani."


Arnav tries his earnest to focus on watering his beloved plants, but the thought of her leaves him helplessly distracted. He can still feel her skin against his lips, her hypnotizing scent, her hand clutching his suit.

The past few days of closeness with her have felt like a fever dream, and he sure as hell doesn't want to wake up.

"Nani, don't you think Khushi ji should come to our house as a daughter in law too?"

His sister's voice and her name jolts him from his thoughts, the poor pot in front of him overflowing with water. Arnav puts the water can down, his back turned as he pretends not to listen.

"Yes, bitiya, I was thinking the same! She would be a perfect addition to our family," Devyani replies, her voice loud enough for Arnav to hear.

He smiles softly to himself. Who wouldn't think Khushi is perfect?

Anjali smirks. "Exactly! I was thinking, don't Khushi ji and NK Bhai look so great together?"

Arnav's smile immediately disappears and he reflexively turns around to his sister and grandmother, his mouth agape.

The ladies hold in their giggles.

"Oh, Chhote! Good that you're here, we can get your thoughts as well." Devyani says, walking towards her puzzled grandson.

"My thoughts on what exactly?" His left eyebrow rises, hoping what he heard was wrong.

"On Khushi ji and NK Bhai, of course! Haven't you noticed how much they have been talking, and might I even add, flirting?" Anjali chimes in, adding fuel to the fire.

Arnav stands there for a solid five seconds, speechless, gaping at the two women.

"Are you guys crazy?! NK?"

"Yes!" Anjali and Devyani reply simultaneously.

"... And Khushi?!"

"... Yes!"

Arnav runs a hand through his hair, ruining the gelled perfection.

How can he tell them that Khushi has been flirting with NK because he challenged her to? That this is all just a game, a big misunderstanding! That she isn't supposed to be with NK, she's supposed to be with him, damn it!

Unable to explain the truth or his feelings to his Di and Nani, he mutters a frustrated "Unbelievable" and storms out of the poolside.

Right after he leaves, Devyani and Anjali give each other two high fives.

"Nani, aag iss taraf toh bilkul lagi hain!" (Nani, the fire definitely burns on this side!)

"Indeed, bitiya, lekin aag uss taraf lagi hain ki nahin?" (Indeed, bitiya, but does the fire burn on the other side?)


The Guptas arrive at Shantivan a few hours later with bright smiles on their faces, ready for the wedding ceremony. They are greeted by the Raizadas, the two families exchanging pleasantries and sharing excitement over the upcoming ceremony.

Payal touches her would be in laws' feet. Mahendra blesses her with a smile and so does Manorama, albeit with an air of apathy.

When Payal turns to Devyani for blessings, she gently touches her cheek and says, "Our bitiya is finally coming home then. This time however, we won't let you leave!"

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